CAF opens international entrepreneurship forums series in Bolivia

  • Forums on international entrepreneurship experiences to be held in Bolivia, Colombia, Panama, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.
  • Maya Foundation is CAF’s strategic ally in Bolivia.
  • Forum on “Enterprising Bolivia: universities’ role and their enterprising capacity” will take place at CAF’s auditorium on Apr. 26.

April 24, 2012

(La Paz, Apr. 24).- CAF –development bank of Latin America– will open a series on international entrepreneurship experiences next Thursday, Apr. 26 in La Paz, a regional initiative with which the institution seeks to promote entrepreneurship development in all of its stages. In Bolivia, the activity is carried out in alliance with the Entrepreneurs and Finance Maya Foundation.

The forum Enterprising Bolivia: universities’ role and their enterprising capacity will feature renowned international guests Adrian Magendzo, director of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Master at Adolfo Ibáñez University, Chile; and María Luisa Parra, head manager at the Ideas Foundation, Venezuela.

Magendzo and Parra will discuss the scope and experiences related to the innovation and entrepreneurship courses introduced at Chilean and Venezuelan universities.

CAF Country Director in Bolivia Emilio Uquillas said “the forums cycle seeks to develop an agenda of actions aimed at strengthening entrepreneurial activities in each country with actors from the public and private sectors as well as academia.”

In the forum, the Maya Foundation will detail its virtual course –the first one in Bolivia– focused on innovation and entrepreneurial development for the staff of five state universities. This experience demonstrated that incentives for entrepreneurial education in universities are fundamental to attain major cultural and social changes.

Maya Foundation President Jorge Velasco said the topic chosen for the Bolivia forum intends to show academic education’s role as a catalyst for entrepreneurship. “The goal is to encourage change at public and private universities in our country, showing entrepreneurship and innovation are the best path to sustainable development.”

The other forums organized by CAF will be held between May and June of this year in Colombia, Panama, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. They will be centered on public policies, financing, training and corporate entrepreneurship. As in Bolivia, local counterparts in each country will support CAF.

Enterprising Bolivia: universities’ role and their enterprising capacity will be held on Apr. 26 at the CAF auditorium, starting at 8:30 AM.

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