CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
The CAF Seminar “Challenges and Opportunities for Paraguay' Development” will take place on June 4th, bringing together international experts from S&P, Fitch Ratings’ FixSCR, CAF - development bank of Latin America, and the World Bank, as well as academics, entrepreneurs and authorities of the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank of Paraguay, the Management Unit of the Presidency of the Republic and SEPRELAD, to address Paraguay's challenges on strategic issues, such as macroeconomic sustainability, productivity and the role of the state, among others.
May 31, 2019
More than 200 participants are expected to attend the CAF Seminar “Challenges and Opportunities for Paraguay's Development, "which is set to take place June 4th in the Main Lecture Hall of Paraguay's Central Bank Institute at 8am. The event is hosted with the support of Paraguay's Ministry of Finance and Central Bank.
Paraguay faces the short-term challenge of driving higher and more sustainable growth that accelerates convergence and ensures greater well-being for its population, while maintaining the sound macroeconomic fundamentals of recent decades. This demands reforms on various fronts, which will be addressed in the seminar’s three panels: The Consolidation of Macroeconomic Sustainability, the Challenge of Productivity, and the Institutionality and Capabilities of the State.
The debate will feature an assortment of international experts, including CAF's Executive president Luis Carranza, as well as the World Bank's Vice President for Latin America and the Caribbean Axel van Trotsenburg, S&P's Associate Director Marina Neves Biancalana, FixSCR Southern Region CEO Douglas Elespe, University of Chile Economics professor Eduardo Engel, former Colombian Tax Minister, and University of the Andes professor of economicsGuillermo Perry, along with acting Tax Minister Benigno López, Paraguayan Central Bank Governor José Cantero, President’s Office Management Unit minister Hugo Cáceres, María Epifanía González, head of the Money and Asset Laundering Prevention Secretariat (SEPRELAD). The seminar also had the presence of Gustavo Grobocopatel, president of Los Grobo group and Yan Speranza, president of the Executive Club and the Moisés Bertoni foundation.
The CAF Seminar “Challenges and Opportunities for Paraguay’s Development” will be held in celebration of CAF’s 50-year anniversary, and will include academic activities, conferences and events in the institution’s member countries. Since it started operations in 1970, CAF has financed projects for more than US$175 billion to promote sustainable development and regional integration.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025