CAF reaffirms support for Peruvian reconstruction

August 20, 2007

(Lima, August 20, 2007).- The Andean Development Corporation confirmed its willingness to support Peru in the process of reconstruction of the southern area of the country, devastated on August 15 by a 7.9 magnitude earthquake which left some 500 dead and considerable material damage.

After recalling that CAF recently approved a US$300,000 donation to provide emergency humanitarian aid for the affected areas, CAF President & CEO Enrique García expressed his solidarity with the Peruvian people in the aftermath of the earthquake.

"I reaffirm CAF’s willingness to provide immediate support at this difficult time, and in the reconstruction process of the areas affected."

García said the humanitarian aid would be used for immediate emergency action, while in a second stage the Corporation would provide effective support for the future programs and actions taken by the Peruvian government to mitigate the effects of the earthquake.

“We are ready to help with all types of technical advice, financing of infrastructure works and new loans if needed, as well as using funds from ongoing operations for all aspects of the reconstruction of the affected area,” said the CAF head, who met Peruvian President Alan García in the Palace of Government.

The Peruvian head of state thanked CAF for the US$300,000 donation in response to the emergency, and for offering funds for the medium- and long-term reconstruction which will begin soon.

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