CAF places GBP 1 billion to promote development in the region
April 09, 2024
CAF won the awards in the categories "Best Supranational Bond Issuer in Latin America" and "Best Sovereign or Supranational Financing Officer in Latin America" in a new edition of the Global Capital Latin America Awards.
April 16, 2024
CAF -development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean- is once again recognized for its presence in the international capital markets. On this occasion, the market itself, through the voting of its members (banks, investors, issuers, rating agencies, among others) chose CAF as the winner in two categories in the Global Capital Latin America awards, which highlight the leading issuers in the capital markets.
CAF received the award in the categories "Best Supranational Bond Issuer in Latin America" and "Best Sovereign or Supranational Financing Officer in Latin America," to Manuel Valdez, senior executive of the Financial Policy and International Issuance Management.
These awards validate CAF's successful management in the capital markets in 2023, when it closed with a record that exceeded USD 6 billion; and so far this year stands out for the issuance in Europe of the largest order book in its history for EUR 1.5 billion; the second issue of the bank with a record amount of USD 1.75 billion in the United States; its return to the British market after two decades with GBP 1 billion and becoming the first Latin American issuer to achieve the largest transaction in the Australian market for AUD 500 million; among others.
Resources from the capital markets allow CAF to advance its goal of being the green bank and main partner for integration and sustainable and inclusive development in Latin America and the Caribbean by offering financial instruments and knowledge services for initiatives in early childhood, health, education, gender equity, social inclusion, energy infrastructure, transportation, telecommunications, water and sanitation, environment and climate change, among others.
For more than three decades, CAF has pursued a strategy of diversifying its sources of financing through an uninterrupted presence in global capital markets, which has placed it in a privileged position internationally.
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