CAF’s president traveled to peru on an official visit
The Corporation’s Executive President, Enrique Garcia traveled to Peru between February 21 & 22. While in Lima, Garcia held interviews with Peru’s President Valentin Paniagua and Javier Perez de Cuellar, Head of the Ministerial Council. Garcia also met with Javier Silva Ruete, Minister of Economy and Finance, Juan Inchaustegui and COFIDE’s President, Aurelio Loret de Mola
February 20, 2001
The Corporation’s Executive President, Enrique Garcia traveled to Peru between February 21 & 22. While in Lima, Garcia held interviews with Peru’s President Valentin Paniagua and Javier Perez de Cuellar, Head of the Ministerial Council. Garcia also met with Javier Silva Ruete, Minister of Economy and Finance, Juan Inchaustegui and COFIDE’s President, Aurelio Loret de Mola