Las patentes como indicadores de innovación tecnológica
26 de August de 2019
CAF and Incubba successfully completed the Innovation Paths round of workshops, with three editions and 30 groups from the private sector and academia.
September 02, 2019
CAF—development bank of Latin America—and Incubba, the Patent and Technology incubator of the EIA University, successfully completed the first round of workshops entitled “Innovation Paths,” thus completing three editions and training 30 groups from the private sector and academia.
The third edition of the “Innovation Paths” Workshop was held on August 26-30 in Asunción, and featured 9 groups that had previously participated in the Intensive Workshops for Accelerated Patent Development, and were beneficiaries in 2018 of the CAF-CONCYTEC Project, through which 16 patent applications were processed at the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
“In previous years we aroused interest of Paraguayan agencies in patentable technology innovation through various trainings and support activities. With this week’s workshop we will close the first cycle of technological readiness, where participants will learn to market inventions in domestic and international markets,” said Joel Branski, CAF Director-Representative in Paraguay.
Participants in the workshops received comprehensive training in effective marketing and prototyping of technological inventions, as well as tools and methodologies to identify market niches, define business models and prepare pitches for attracting investors in early stages.
At CAF we intend to continue developing innovation in the region through partnerships with different stakeholders in academia, industries and governments. Thus, the Private Sector Vice Presidency is developing new interventions and programs that have a direct impact on countries’ competitiveness and productivity.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025
26 de August de 2019