CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
Government representatives, entrepreneurs, and academics of the region met in Montevideo with authorities and technical experts from CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, to participate in a workshop seminar aimed at promoting logistic and operational improvements in the waterways of the region
February 05, 2016
The Mayor's Congress and the Consultive Forum of Municipalities, Federal States, Provinces, and Departments of Mercosur, with the support of CAF, Development Bank of Latin America and the Fondo Financiero para el Desarrollo de la Cuenca del Plata (Fonplata) (Financial Fund for the Development of the Plata Basin), organized a seminar with the objective of identifying specific projects to promote the development of waterways in the region. Under the title "Hacia un mejor aprovechamiento de las hidrovías del Mercosur" (Toward a better exploitation of the waterways of the Mercosur), for two days experts from the countries in the region analyzed the situation of the waterways.
Antonio Juan Sosa, CAF's Vice-president for Infrastructure confirmed the institution's support for Latin American development, and highlighted the importance of waterways for integration. He stated, "Latin America needs the logistic leaps that will leverage its development. In this workshop, we had the opportunity to see the challenges that mayors have in their respective districts. We hope we can help them, as we do in other countries".
Sosa also referred to CAF's interest in promoting the generation of knowledge in addition to financing projects. He explained, "In the Vice-presidency I have 30 professionals. Only 8 are in charge of finances, the other 22 are dedicated to knowledge". In that framework, he highlighted the research that has been carried out since the beginning of the 1990's to understand the importance of waterways in the region, emphasizing the subjects related to ports, infrastructure, and logistics.
At the same time, Gladis Genua, CAF's Director Representative in Uruguay referred to the enormous wealth that the continent has in terms of waterways, and emphasized the need to value "the impact that their development has on the people that live close to the basins. Infrastructure and logistic projects generate employment and economic dynamism in the cities. CAF promotes the comprehensive and sustainable development of the countries, and therefore, it will continue to collaborate with these types of initiatives that are emblematic and contribute to improve the quality of life of the population".
Genua stressed the work done jointly with Fonplata and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to advance in the identification of physical integration projects through the Initiative for the South American Regional Integration (IIRSA, for its acronym in Spanish).
During the meeting, it was made clear that the main challenge faced by the countries of Mercosur regarding this aspect lies in materializing actions and projects that enable complementary actions to increase integration. In the opening ceremony for the discussion round tables, Chancellor Rodolfo Nin Novoa made a call to think about waterways as "a geographic complex with ports, infrastructure, storage systems, railroads, and highways". He warned that "for all of this to happen, it is necessary to improve navigability and port infrastructure, and have adequate fleets", aimed at "reducing costs and improving productivity", while at the same time increasing integration between the countries of the area.
Nin concluded his presentation pointing out "waterways are channels and bridges for border integration in the region".
In the same line, the Minister of Transportation and Public Works, Víctor Rossi, ratified the Uruguayan government's willingness to work jointly with neighboring countries to promote "growth in the countries and of the economic activity developed in our region". Rossi seemed confident about an increase in production and the demand for raw materials and food in the region, and pointed out that the development of the waterways is essential to strengthen the results. He stated, "We are optimistic, because we are generating trust, and this is essential to take advantage of the differences and prevent them from becoming obstacles".
The areas addressed during the two-day meetings which included the participation of mayors that represented the points of view of all the inhabitants of Uruguay, were the projects and activities for the reactivation of waterways; logistic and port management; and river transportation to support the economic and social development of the region.
The meeting included presentations from the National Director of Hydrography of the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works, Jorge Camaño; the executive President of Fonplata, Juan Notaro; the representative and member of Parlasur Pablo Iturralde; the President of the Mayor's Congress, Sergio Botana; and the Mayors of Montevideo, Daniel Martínez; Paysandú, Guillermo Caraballo; and Treinta y Tres, Dardo Sánchez.
At the close of the opening session, CAF's advisor Rolando Terrazas, presented the objective and scope of CAF's regional Program for the development of South American Waterways.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025