CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
October 15, 2008
(Special, October 15, 2008). A Special Prize was awarded to CAF at the 3rd edition of the Valenciaport Foundation Awards . The accolade was awarded based on the support provided by the institution to the internationalization of the Marca de Garantía quality seal.
Enrique García, executive president of CAF, thanked the jury for the Special Award, and said: “we are convinced that a sustainable development process depends, among other factors, on achieving world-class competitiveness, which is not possible if port services do not have the required quality.” García added that it is “precisely through Marca de Garantía that we can optimize the provision of these services.”
The activities undertaken by CAF in favor of the internationalization of the Marca de Garantía quality seal are carried out through the Latin America Port Quality Association, created in April 2007 by CAF, the Marca de Garantía Foundation, under the Generalitat de Valencia, and the Valenciaport Foundation.
About the third Edition of the Awards
The jury included the president of the Valenciaport Foundation, Rafael del Moral; Vicente Boluda Fos, president of the Valencia Shipping Association; Miguel Tell Ramón, President of the Official Association of Customs Agents and Commission Agents of Valencia; and Luis Rosa, president of ATEIA Valencia.
The winners of this third Edition included Transbull Valencia, S.L. (Quality Award); China Shipping (Spain) Agency, S.L. (Technological Innovation Award); Temporary Union of Companies formed by Urbaser, S.A. and Marpol Levante, S.L. (Best Environmental Management Award); the group composed of INVASSAT, Transcont, ELTC and ARCE (In-Company Training Award); and lastly, the study “Deployment of the strategic plan of the Valencia Port Authority-Valenciaport: The use of the dashboard as a management model,” developed by José Antonio Aparisi and Vicente Ripoll Feliu, from the University of Valencia, who received the Award for best research in Transport and Logistics, along with 3,000 euros to encourage development of outstanding scientific research in this field.
Recipients of special awards included Marítima Valenciana, S.A., (Special Award for Entrepreneurship) and Rafael Aznar Garrigues (Special Lifetime Award).
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025