CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, the Ministry of Energy of Chile, and the Empresa Nacional de Petróleo (ENAP) (National Oil Company), signed a Cooperation Agreement to promote the efficient use of energy resources
May 13, 2016
One of the main findings of the Independent Energy Audit for the Empresa Nacional de Petróleo (ENAP) (National Oil Company) in Chile, is that with the application of energy efficiency measures the organization may save up to USD 67 million per year, with an initial investment of only USD 83.2 million. This means that the recovery of the investment takes less than two years.
The audit, financed by CAF, identified eight (8) projects that may be implemented quickly due to the low investment capital and the short development time required. Another 74 projects are profitable but with longer terms. Among them stood out the update of the two refineries in the country, Aconcagua and Biobio, and the Magallanes sector, where crude is explored and extracted.
The Independent Energy Audit was possible thanks to the Cooperation Agreement between ENAP, the Ministry of Energy of Chile, and CAF. The second phase of the agreement, to take place in August of this year, will consist of implementing an Energy Management System (SGE, for its acronym in Spanish), in agreement with the ISO 500001 norm, which facilitates the reduction of energy consumption to organizations, as well as the associated financial costs, and the greenhouse gas emissions.
It is expected that a tool that will systematize the monitorig processes, in order to promote energy savings and efficiency in the company, will complement the implementation of the SGE.
The Cooperation Agreement is framed within the Programa Regional de Eficiencia Energética (PREE) (Regional Energy Efficiency Program), which supports the consolidation of the Chilean energy policy currently on its way to diversifying the energy matrix in a sustainable and balanced manner.
For more information regarding the PREE, download the fact sheet.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025