CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
The project, which includes school children from four districts of Lima, two from Cajamarca, and two from Lambayeque, is implemented in the framework of the SOMOS Network activities, an initiative promoted by CAF, supported by Odebrecht Peru Association and Right to Play, which will promote the practice of sports for the development of psycho-social competencies in children.
March 10, 2014
(Lima, March 10th, 2014)). Close to three thousand boys, girls, and adolescents at risk in four districts of Lima, two in Cajamarca, and two in Lambayeque, will benefit from the SOMOS Project "A goal for life". This project will be implemented in the framework of the activities of the SOMOS network, an initiative promoted by CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, with the support of the Odebrecht Peru Association and Right to Play, to promote the practice of sports among school children as a prevention and social inclusion mechanism during the next three years.
The launching of this program was in charge of CAF's Director Representative in Peru, Eleonora Silva Pardo; the Director of the Lima Metro Consortium, Carlos Nostre; and the regional manager of Right to Play for Latin America, Edwin Peñaherrera.
SOMOS "A goal for Life" will benefit school children from the Lima districts of San Juan de Miraflores, San Juan de Lurigancho, Los Olivos and San Martín de Porres, as well as the districts of San Felipe and Pomahuaca in Cajamarca, and Cañaris and Santo Domingo de Olmos in Lambayeque, located in the influence area of Tranche 2 of Lima's Metro Line, theVias Nuevas de LimaProject (New Roads of Lima),Concesionaria Trasvase Olmosand the Olmos Irrigacion Olmos Project (Olmos Irrigation Project).
At this time, CAF's Director Representative in Peru, Eleonora Silva, the Director of the Lima Metro Consortium, Carlos Nostre, and the Regional Manager of Right to Play, Edwin Peñaherrera, officially delivered sports materials (200 balls, 180 hulahops, 132 vests, caps, and goal nets), as well as first aid kits for the administrative personnel of the I.E. Santiago Antunez de Mayolo in the district of San Juan de Lurigancho.
Silva Pardo commented that "CAF, as a Development Bank of Latin America, fulfills its commitment to support the training of Peruvian students through the SOMOS Project "A goal for Life", with the idea that through sports, children grow up with a better education. For this reason, it is very significant for us to launch this program at the beginning of the school year. We expect to see a satisfactory culmination of this dream and the work of children accompanied by their parents and teachers".
It should be noted that in each educational institution in the country where the project will be implemented, an official Honor Play will take place to initiate the activities.
The entry into operations of this project in Peru is possible as a result of the technical assistance agreement subscribed in the city of Lima by CAF's Executive President, Enrique Garcia, and Ricardo Boleira, Director Superintendent of Odebrecht, on December 3rd of 2013.
The SOMOS Network, initiative of CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, in alliance with Right to Play and the Latin America Special Olympics, seeks to promote the use of sports as a right and effective instrument for the development and social inclusion of girls, boys, and young people in Latin America. The Network is a Latin American platform that facilitates and encourages the connection of different actors so that, in alliance with CAF, they may contribute to the region's human development through sports. SOMOS offers support and access to comprehensive human training models that strengthen the programs that base community organizations or sports institutions with a social focus develop, with the object of achieving true social changes for the children and their communities. The Network is a space to get together and exchange ideas among social actors, public and private institutions, and people who are socially committed with the promotion of sports for the development of Latin America.
The mission of CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, is to promote sustainable development and regional integration through financing for projects in the public and private sectors, provision of technical cooperation, and other specialized services. Created in 1970 and made up of 18 countries -16 from Latin America and the Caribbean in addition to Spain and Portugal- and 14 private banks, is one of the main sources of multilateral financing and an important generator of knowledge for the region. For more information, see www.caf.com.
Right to Play is an international humanitarian organization, founded in 2000 by the current President and four times Olympic medalist in speed skating on ice Johann Olav Koss. The Olympic athlete and his international team aim at having Right to Play contribute with its actions at a world level to the promotion of a healthy development for boys and girls, through the use of games and sports, in order to give them the power and capacity to become their own agents of change. For more information, see: www.righttoplay.com
The Odebrecht Peru Association, founded in 2008, is a non-profit association which manages projects satisfying the demands and expectations of the business environment of Odebrecht in Peru, through alliances with the public and private sector, and cooperation organizations. For more information, see: www.odebrecht.com.pe/asociacion-odebrecht-peru/introduccion
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025