COVID-19: CAF aids Mexico’s exporters through Bancomext
September 03, 2020
The development bank of Latin America joins the “National Plan to Support the Healthcare System in Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic” with non-reimbursable funds to be implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
September 22, 2020
In order to support Mexico’s response to the pandemic, CAF—development bank of Latin America—donated MXN 8.4 million to be used for the purchase of nucleic acid extraction equipment for the detection of COVID-19 in PCR tests and relevant supplies.
The Federal Commission for the Protection of Health Risks (COFEPRIS) will be the recipient of this equipment and supplies through the administration and implementation of CAF’s non-reimbursable funds to be executed by the United Nations Development Program(UNDP), commissioned by the Undersecretariat for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights of the Secretariat for Foreign Affairs.
“For 30 years we have been an unconditional partner of Mexicans, and in the context of this healthcare emergency, we have capitalized on UNDP’s knowledge and experience with the purpose of saving lives and promoting the well-being of the population. Latin America has the financial support, technical assistance and knowledge generation that we promote at CAF,” said executive president Luis Carranza Ugarte.
Through a support program for its 19 shareholder countries for the emergency caused by COVID-19, CAF has disbursed non-reimbursable funds for up to USD 5 million, granted nearly USD 3 billion in credits to reinforce healthcare systems and support the economic and social revival plans led by the authorities, and expects to close the year with a record USD 16 billion in loans.
Moreover, the multilateral institution has provided online training mechanisms for member countries and is focused on knowledge generation, as key elements to help countries design their economic recovery strategies while maintaining the social achievements attained in recent decades. CAF’s human talent together with experts in strategic sectors such as healthcare, education, economics, transport, social protection, technology and governance, work on public policy proposals that may be adapted to the reality of each country, which are available here.
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