Cycle of Seminars on Brazil, Ecuador, Andean Region and Mercosur, organized jointly with brazilian Embassy and FLASCO

Integration, development and equity are the key topics at the seminar

May 13, 2004

Cycle of Seminars on "Brazil, Ecuador, Andean region and Mercosur" organized jointly with Brazilian Embassy and FLASCO

  • Integration, development and equity are the key topics at the seminar
  • 10 international guests invited
  • A cycle of seminars on "Brazil, Ecuador, Andean region and Mercosur" will be held on May 11, 12 and 13 in Quito in the Swiss Hotel starting at 9.00 am. The cycle is sponsored by the Andean Development Corporation (CAF); the Brazilian Embassy in Ecuador; the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences FLASCO, Ecuador branch; the Institute for Research International Relations, IPRI; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador, Secretary pro tempore of the Andean Community.

    The recent political changes in Latin America and the global context that the region must adapt to have stimulated growing mutual interest between Brazil and the Andean region. In the past, although Brazil and the Andean region share the same continent and the Amazon basin, economic, intellectual, social and cultural exchanges between them have been relatively insignificant in comparison with other regions.

    This cycle of seminars aims to overcome this state of affairs by opening a space for analysis of the agenda of economic integration models and identification of common points between Brazil and the Andean region.

    This mutual interest has been strengthened by the growing importance of negotiations on integration that are moving forward in parallel or superimposed, as in the case of relations between the Andean Community, Mercosur, FTAA and the recent bilateral negotiations on free trade between the Andean countries and the United States.

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