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March 21, 2025
Panama will be the meeting place for the 2014 Regional Telecommunications Congress, where discussions will focus on the regulatory challenges faced by Latin America to close the digital gap and move forward toward development that benefits the citizens
August 13, 2014
The new technological, cultural, and economic challenges faced by telecommunications and the way they impact on public policies, regulation, infrastructure, investment, the sustainable development of telecommunications enterprises, benefits for consumers, and the reduction of the digital gap will be the main points of the public-private dialogue.
Pablo Bello, General Secretary of AHCIET, pointed out that "The congress is the opportunity we have in Latin America so that governments, regulators, and academia may address the shared challenges to close the digital cap and fully insert our region in the Information and Knowledge Society. The participation of renowned leaders of the digital ecosystem will allow us to strengthen the agenda that will lead us toward full digital development".
The CRT 2014 is co-organized by the Asociación Iberoamericana de Centros de Investigación y Empresas de Telecomunicaciones (AHCIET) (Ibero-American Association of Research Centers and Telecommunications Enterprises), the Association of Mobile Operators GSMA Latin America, the National Authority of Panama's public services (ASEP, for its acronym in Spanish), and CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, with the collaboration of the International Telecommunications Union (UIT for its acronym in Spanish), the Latin America and Caribbean Network Information Centre (LACNIC), Internet Society (ISOC), and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
Among the relevant activities is the panel "Public policies for
the closing of the digital gap in the region", and the presentation
of AHCIET's study "Desafio 2020" (2020 Challenge), where the
discussion will focus on the conclusions established in the
document, national wide band plans and public policies, and
the alignment of the regulation with the connectivity objectives,
among others.
The initial presentation will be in charge of Mariana Rodriguez
Zani, from Convergencia Latina, and will include renowned panelists
such as Pablo Bello, General Secretary of AHCIET, Nicolas Karavaski of CNC Argentina, Pablo Marquez from CRC Colombia, Filipe
Baptista from ARCTEL and Judith Mariscal from CIDE.
Another high level panel is the one that will address the
"Expansion of regional infrastructure for Internet Connection in
Latin America", with topics associated to the regulatory basis
and policies to promote investments and use of IXP, and economic, technical, and
operational factors, among others. The initial presentation will be
in charge of Raul Katz, CAF consultant, and the panelists in this
discussion will be Jose Ignacio Peralta,
Mexico's Undersecretary of Communications; David Campos, Minister
Executive Secretary of Paraguay's Senatic; César Díaz from LACNIC;
Aloysio Bleyer from Telefonica; Manuel Vexler from Huawei Technologies
and Mauricio Agudelo from CAF.
On the same line, the protagonists of the discussion table
regarding the "Importance of the spectrum to close the digital gap"
and the presentation of the GSMA-AHCIET (OVUM) study, will be
Sebastian Cabello from GSMA, Jose Ayala from Ericsson, Adrean
Rothkopf from Millicom Group, Jose Juan Haro from Telefonica and
Raul Perez Reyes Espejo, Vice-Minister of Communications of Peru,
who will debate about the key role that mobile technologies play
for the reduction of the digital gap, the conditions established
for frequency bidding processes and the effects on public policies,
and how to maximize investments related to the spectrum's value
Internet Governance will have a
relevant role in the 2014 CRT, with the presentation
of LACNIC/ISOC/ICANN, who will establish a
conversation regarding their implication in the sector's
development, critical governance issues, resource management,
governments' implications, and control of contents. The initial
presentation will be in charge of Ernesto Majo from LACNIC, and the
panelists in this segment will be Rodrigo de la Parra from ICANN,
Sebastian Bellagamba from ISOC, Andres Maz from CISCO, Osvaldo
Novoa from ANTEL; and Allan Ruiz, Vice-Minister of Science,
Technology, and Telecommunications from Costa Rica.
In addition to these discussion panels and participants, the following individuals have confirmed their presence: Susana Pinilla, CAF's Director Representative in Panama; Antonio J. Sosa, CAF's Corporate Vice-President of Infrastructure Financing; Sergio Quiroga, Ericsson's Head for the Latin American region; Manuel Vexler, Head of the Marketing and Solutions Office at Huawei Technologies; Bruno Ramos, UIT's Regional Director of the Americas; Sergio Kern, Director of Radiofrequency Spectrum and Regulation of Mobile Telecommunications at Sinditelebrasil; Adriana Labardini, Commissioner of the Federal Telecommunications Institute of Mexico; Maryleana Mendez, Director of the Superintendency of Telecommunications of Costa Rica, and many other authorities, high executives, and individuals from the chambers of the telecommunications industry.
Finally, the 2014 CRT will be complemented by the following parallel events:
Registration, press registration, and additional information regarding the CRT14 are available at www.congresotelecomunicaciones.org
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025