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Strategic planning is essential to counteract the risk that the phenomenon of El Niño represents for the electric sectors of Latin America
February 19, 2016
The El Niño phenomenon, and its subsequent phenomenon, La Niña, are currently known as El Niño Oscilación Sur (ENOS) (El Niño Southern Oscillation), and consists of recurrent hydro-meteorological events that appear irregularly, typically between two and seven years. El Niño generates changes in the wind, pressure, and temperature patterns. If its intensity is severe, it has the potential to impact on the five continents.
The atmospheric indicators of the ENOS2015/2016 indicate that it has been one of the strongest since 1950, registering anomalies in ocean temperatures exceeding 3°C in large areas of the Tropical Pacific Ocean (data from the Centro Internacional para la Investigación del Fenómeno El Niño (CIIFEN)) (International Center for Research on the Phenomenon of El Niño).
The report El Niño en América Latina, ¿cómo mitigar sus efectos en el sector eléctrico? (El Niño in Latin America, how to mitigate its effects on the electric sector?) describes the risks experienced by the electric sector with the effects of the ENOS, which affects the normal generation, transmission, and distribution of electric energy. This is due to significant changes in the hydro-meteorological patterns (precipitation, temperature variations, changes in the patterns of the wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, evaporation, relative humidity, and solar radiation, among others) that compromise the electric infrastructure at different levels of physical exposure.
One of the most important conclusions was the need to incorporate a strategic planning process of the risk to the electric sectors of the region. This constitutes an essential tool that enables an examination of the trends, to reconsider action strategies in the development of a mid- and long-term sectorial policy.
In this respect, the report explains a methodology for a comprehensive risk management applied to the electric sector of Latin American countries, based on the most relevant vulnerabilities of the services that supply electric energy in the region. As the ENOS is a recurring phenomenon whose effects may worsen climate change, it is necessary to adapt the national electric systems so that they can increase their resilience. To this end, the report presents a series of strategic recommendations for sectorial planners in the face of the incidences of this climate phenomenon.
This research work gathers the opinions of international consultant Esperanza Colón, the General Director of Electric Energy at the Ministry of Energy and Mining in Peru, Javier Muro, the Representative of the Direction of Planning of ANDE of Paraguay, María de la Paz Barrail, the Representative of the Superintendency of Hydrology Operations of the Bi-national Itapu Complex in Brazil, Auder Machado, and the Meteorologist of AWS True Power of Spain, LLorrenç Lledó, who were consulted in the framework of the same name event El Niño en América Latina: ¿Cómo mitigar sus efectos en los sectores productivos? (El Niño in Latin America: How to mitigate its effects on the productive sectors?)
To download the complete report, click here.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
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