CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
In the framework of the preliminary events for the G-20 Summit, CAF's Executive President talked about the Institution's experience supporting infrastructure for the development of Latin America.
July 18, 2013
(Moscow, July 18th, 2013).-In the framework of Russia's provisional presidency of the G-20 and the meeting of this group's Finance Ministers before the next Summit in Saint Petersburg, a Conference took place in Moscow regarding Sustainable Growth Through Long Term Investments, organized by the Vnesheconombank, Development Bank of Russia.
The event was inaugurated by Anton Siluanov, Russia's Finance Minister, with the participation of the presidents of the main national and regional development banks at a world level.
Enrique Garcia, Executive President of CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, was a speaker in the panel regarding financial instruments to support infrastructure, where he highlighted CAF's role and leadership in Latin America, not only due to the amounts of the approved operations in the past ten years, but also due to the variety of financial instruments and technical cooperations it has used to support the public and private sectors of member countries in the past ten years.
In particular, he highlighted CAF's direct loans in support of infrastructure, both nationally and as a regional integration tool, as well as its catalyst role through co-financing operations, A/B structures, and participation in capital risk funds.
In addition, he mentioned the relevant institutional support it provides for long term sectorial programming, the development and structuring of projects that include, from the beginning, a comprehensive analysis of impacts (economic, social, and environmental), as well as the design of public policies that facilitate private investment and transparency in the bidding processes and execution works.
CAF's Executive President noted the results obtained in the final document, published after the conference, which contains a series of proposals aimed at creating a propitious environment for long term investments as drivers of the real economy.
Within the proposals, several stand out, such as the need to generate a stable, transparent and propitious regulatory framework for long term investments (infrastructure and SMEs), the development of tools to improve the quality of projects, the need to standardize risk indicators, and the profitability of the projects at a world level, among other initiatives.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025