Entrepreneurial activities may leverage equity in the region

They promote inclusion and improve opportunities in the production and marketing processes of goods and services. 

October 31, 2013

Although Latin America has experienced economic growth in past years, the levels of inequality are high compared with other countries. In this context, and in search of social equity, the strategic and joint work between public and private sectors is part of the challenges that have to be solved. 

Previously, the attention of companies in social development was not linked to production. However, in time, the socio-productive entrepreneurial activities appear as promoters of inclusion because they improve the opportunities in the production and marketing of goods and services

The publication "Empresas y emprendimientos productivos de inclusión social. Algunos aspectos estratégicos" (Companies and productive entrepreneurial activities of social inclusion) (CAF 2013) offers key aspects that are usually part of the relationship between companies and socio-productive enterprises by means of four statements: 

  • Socio-productive inclusion provides some guidelines regarding the concept of socio-productive inclusion and the diverse types of institutions involved in achieving equity.
  • Company fields of action, enumerates the commercial and non-commercial opportunities that companies find in their relationship with these entrepreneurial activities.
  • Main purpose of the entrepreneurial activities  propose a reflection regarding the purpose of the entrepreneurial activities, both with respect to what it does to the business model and the market, as with respect to the measurement of results.
  • Challenges of the link explains the typical density of the alliances between companies and entrepreneurial activities. 

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