CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
CAF's Entrepreneurial Innovation Program seeks to strengthen research, development, and innovation capacities (R+D+i) of Latin American companies with projection
May 16, 2016
In the framework of CAF's Entrepreneurial Innovation Program, Colombina S.A, a leading company in the food sector in Colombia, developed an innovation strategy and the establishment of medium and long-term goals.
With more than 80 years of experience, in 2014 Colombina started to work in R+D+i with the goal of continuing to grow, increasing its level of differentiation in the market and expanding its global presence.
The company was able to strengthen its management capacities for innovation, following a methodology that allows the incorporation of innovation to the company's strategy and each business area, to summarize them in a five-year plan, with them metrics and indicators that are necessary to measure results.
The company recognized the need to implement a different innovation than the one that had been developed until then. With this new approach, Colombina made the decision to reorganize and make a new organizational structure that was more adequate for its new vision of innovation.
The entrepreneurial innovation program provided the economic capacity to develop skills with the help of an external consulting company. The results achieved were scaled to the regional business, not only to Colombia, as was planned initially.
The Entrepreneurial Innovation Program intends to strengthen the R+D+i of Latin American companies of projection, such as Colombina, to promote their productivity and regional competitiveness, and contribute to the productive transformation of the region.
This program has a portfolio of interventions that seek to address the specific needs of each client.
For more information visit the portal regarding the program's interventions.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025