CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
The program aims to provide Ecuadorian companies with a knowledge platform for internationalization
July 02, 2015
CAF—development bank of Latin America—together with Ecuador’s Federation of Exporters (Fedexpor) and Pro Ecuador signed a technical cooperation agreement that will underpin the “Export Excellence” program aimed at Ecuadorian companies with potential for tapping into international markets.
The program seeks to build business capacities by implementing innovative and business management processes provided by foreign trade agencies, with the aim of having training outcomes impact positively on the nation’s trade balance and be aligned with the productive matrix’s transformation policy.
Bernardo Requena, CAF Director-Representative in Ecuador, stressed the importance of having business strategies that boost non-traditional exports and enable sustainable growth of the economy. He also highlighted the public-private partnership of the project as a success factor, which encourages Fedexpor and Pro Ecuador to continue to achieve goals in placing Ecuadorian products on international markets.
In addition, Felipe Ribadeneira, CEO of Fedexpor, argued that the purpose of improving business skills is to boost the virtuous exporting circle: more exports, more foreign currency income, more resources for the state, and greater quality job creation.
As part of the program, eligible companies will be identified, in order to receive training and technical assistance so they can tap into markets that been deemed as suitable under an export plan.
The initiative also calls for identifying good export practices, from the private and public sector point of view, based on International trade Center methodology.
The program will be implemented over an 18-month period and selected Ecuadorian companies will boast a knowledge platform for internationalization.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025