Los esfuerzos para la conservación efectiva de Galápagos continúan
18 de October de 2023
CAF supports ecological restoration project on Floreana Island to restore the island's ecosystem by removing invasive species.
February 20, 2024
The globalization of trade, travel and transportation is significantly increasing the number and type of invasive alien species moving around the world, as well as the speed at which they do so. Invasive alien species are a major driver of environmental degradation and species extinction worldwide and are generally considered the leading cause of biodiversity loss in island ecosystems (ImpactoCAF- Protected areas for sustainable and inclusive conservation).
Floreana Island, a biodiverse paradise in the Galapagos archipelago, is no exception. An array of invasive species threaten native plants and animals through predation and competition for resources. 13 of its endemic species are considered locally extinct. In addition, another 54 species on this island are threatened by the presence of feral cats, rats and invasive mice.
Location of Floreana Island
CAF – development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean – is supporting the Floreana Ecological Restoration Project to recover the island's ecosystem by removing invasive species. This project is an institutional effort between the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition; the Global Environment Facility (GEF); the Jocotoco Foundation; Island Conservation; and of course the Galapagos community that is a fundamental part of this process. The goal is to restore Floreana's natural island ecosystem by eradicating invasive feral cats, rats, and mice. In this way, conditions will be created to promote sustainable community tourism, and to improve agricultural activities on the island.
CAF, together with the aforementioned actors, is promoting a second phase of this project that seeks to recover the ecological integrity of the protected areas of Galapagos by strengthening the capacities for the translocation of birds and snakes that suffered local extinction. This project is expected to be executed in the second quarter of 2024.
Thanks to these interventions, Floreana is in the process of recovering its biodiversity. Learn more here:
For more information about CAF's support for the region's protected natural areas, visit: https://www.caf.com/es/especiales/impacto-caf/areas-de-accion/areas-naturales-protegidas/
For more information about the project, contact: mvelasquez@caf.com – responsible for Project GEF-307216
For more information about CAF's action and its impact in the region, visit:
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025
18 de October de 2023