CAF announces the first edition of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Forum 2025 in Panama
December 20, 2024
Visions of Development is a section promoted by CAF—development bank of Latin America—that discusses the region’s main development issues. Its articles are published simultaneously in the main media outlets around Latin America.
November 30, 2021
Creating spaces that are free of fear for women or people with diverse gender identities inside and in the areas adjacent to civil and infrastructure projects is not an altruistic aspiration, but rather a right that must be a priority on the agendas of citizens, workers, contractors and authorities.
On November 25 each year, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is commemorated. This is a good reason to put a problem that goes beyond domestic violence on the agenda. According to figures from the International Labor Organization, in Latin America and the Caribbean 96.3% of the total population employed in construction are men and 3.7% are women. Of the total number of people employed in various branches or sectors of economic activity, only 0.7% of women are working in construction compared to 11.7% of men.
Among the potential risks of gender violence identified in a publication by the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) that can occur at sites, camps, workshops, administrative offices, construction areas or places of influence, are (among others): street sexual harassment, workplace discrimination, damage to property, human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation, forced marriage and unwanted pregnancies.
“The importance of addressing gender violence in infrastructure projects lies in the fact that construction sites can become places where this is happening to workers, as well as to women and people with diverse gender identities who live or work in the vicinity. It must therefore be prevented in order to guarantee the wellbeing of women and their increased inclusion in a strongly masculinized economic environment,” said Edgar Lara, Social Inclusion and Gender Coordinator at CAF, and author of the report.
The World Health Organization has shown that gender-based violence has consequences on the mental, physical, sexual and reproductive health of women and girls. CAF’s report identifies several factors that could affect the risk of gender violence in public works projects, such as the type of work and sector it belongs to, the socioeconomic characteristics of the surrounding communities, the geographical area, the presence of migrant workers, ignorance of legislation, as well as the individual, relational, community and social circumstances among the administrative staff, construction workers and surrounding population.
“Prevention is the main strategy to minimize the risks of gender-based violence in infrastructure projects, especially in the development phase. It is therefore suggested that governing bodies of public works, executing agencies and subcontractors set forth measures, protocols or policies to prevent and address gender-based violence. For example, mechanisms for the advancement of women (ministries, secretariats and institutes) often offer technical assistance and training services in the prevention and care of gender-based violence,” added Edgar Lara.
A good example is the web portal "Women in Work", created in 2020 by the National Training and Employment Service, the National Employment Exchange and other agencies of the Chilean government to increase women’s participation in construction. There are also bylaws in the municipalities of Lima, Peru, which prevent, prohibit and punish sexual harassment in public spaces, commercial establishments or construction sites.
Identifying possible risks of gender violence must be part of any infrastructure project planning. This is the best way to prevent such violence, and involves allocating budget and giving this issue the importance it deserves so that ministries, contractors and administrators apply measures that are promoted by leaders and respected by all actors involved. By committing ourselves and setting a good example, we can eliminate a worrying tendency to gender violence that affects the whole sector.
December 20, 2024
December 10, 2024
December 09, 2024