CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
Months before ending his career at the OAS, Jose Miguel Insunza talked with Enrique Garcia about the achievements of the Organization under his management, and the pending challenges
March 23, 2015
Not long before ending his mandate as the leader of the Organization of American States (OAS), the Chilean politician and diplomat Jose Miguel Insulza talked about the most important achievements of his management and, among them, he highlighted the significant reduction in conflicts between the countries of the region and the need to state new policies to fight drugs at a hemispheric level.
Enrique Garcia, Executive President at CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, had the opportunity of talking to Insulza, who led the organization for a decade. The meeting took place in London during the second edition of "Conversando con CAF" (Talking with CAF), a program which analyses issues that impact on Latin America.
Among other things, Insulza addressed the recent closeness between the United States and Cuba. "For the first time Cuba is going to be there; the 35 independent nations of America are going to sit there, and that is a great achievement", commented Insulza about the VII Summit of the Americas, which will be held in Panama on April 10th and 11th, and will be the last he will preside as General Secretary of the OAS.
Insulza stated that although the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States consolidated in 2014, the reincorporation of Cuba to the Inter-American system was being addressed by the OAS since 2009, when the Organization voted unanimously to lift the sanctions to the country.
Insulza and Garcia also talked about cooperation between multilateral organizations, the problem of drugs, and the role of Latin America in the world scenario.
They both coincided that despite the good political and economic relations between the countries of the Americas, the lack of consensus weakens the region. "Latin America has the potential to be an important player at a world level", said Garcia. "However, positions regarding global issues are very fragmented".
With respect to the issue of drugs, Insulza talked about the importance of finding more effective mechanisms to fight the problem at a regional level, among which he considered controlled legalization.
With respect to he future of the Organization, which will be led by the recently elected General Secretary Luis Almagro, who will start leading the Organization in May, Insulza made a statement following the words of its founder, Mr. Alberto Lleras Camargo, who said the "the OAS will go where the member countries want it to go".
To see the dialogue between Insulza and Garcia, access Conversando con CAF
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025