CAF announces the first edition of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Forum 2025 in Panama
December 20, 2024
One thousand four hundred and seven participants applied this year from 25 countries, competing in ten categories that are compatible with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Objectives.
August 24, 2016
The third edition of the green Latin America Awards included the participation of more than 800 experts on environmental subjects, national and international authorities, representatives of green finances, and case managers. This initiative is supported by CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, and has consolidated as the greatest event in the region that brings together and awards the best social and environmental projects of the continent.
The event was presided by the Mayor of Guayaquil, Jaime Nebot, and included the presence of Bernardo Requena, CAF's Director Representative in Ecuador, Ligia Castro, CAF's Corporate Director of The Environment and Climate Change, Diego Zorrilla, UN Ecuador resident coordinator, and Gustavo Manrique, President of the Organizing Committee of the Green Latin America Awards, among other authorities.
During the inauguration of the event, the city's Mayor highlighted the importance of involving the private sector in environmental matters by mentioning that it is the true driver of development for cities. In addition, he stated that both natural and legal persons must understand the need to start projects that protect the environment and promote a sustainable economy and development.
Representing CAF, Bernardo Requena stated that the institution firmly believes in sustainable development through the preservation of the environment and investments in environmental subjects. He mentioned that all of CAF's projects comply with the environmental and social regulations, which is part of the reason for the bank's successful growth. In addition, he indicated that the Green Latin America Awards are in line with the two pillars of CAF: regional integration, as more than 1,400 cases were presented from 25 countries, which were shared and analyzed by representatives from the attending countries, with great possibilities of being repplicated or scaled, and sustainable development, which cannot be conceived without the inclusion of environmental subjects.
The 2016 edition of the Green Latin America Awards received a total of 1,407 registered cases, of which the best 500 were selected and later three finalists per category. A high level jury was in charge of selecting the winners per category through the evaluation of five criteria: applicability of the project, environmental impact, social impact, financial impact, and innovating proposal. The jury included Ligia Castro from CAF, Hugo Arnal from WWF, José Zaglul from Earth University, Rebeca Arias from UNDP, and Fernando Álvarez from the Latin American Industrialists Association.
Taking everything into consideration, the Colombian project Vajillas Corona was the winner in the Water category; in the Fauna and Biodiversity category the winner was Plantss of Chile; In the Forest category, the winner was Ecuadorean project Restaurando Bosque Seco (Restoring Dry Forest) in the protective forest Cerro Blanco. In the Human Development category, the award went to Chile, with the project Newen Maqui; in Emissions, the winner was Wheels from Colombia; in Energy, Costa Rica won the award with the project 100% Operation with photovoltaic self generated energy of Nalakalú Solutions; in Urban Management, the award went to Peru with the project of a new institutional headquarter for Banco de la Nacion; in residues, Tapas para Sanar, of the Fundación Sanar Niños con Cáncer.
In the Sustainable Finances category promoted by CAF, seeking to recognize the financial institutions that promote internalization, evaluation, and management of environmental and social risks within the loan and investment processes in the financial sector, the winner was Banco Bradesco of Brazil, whose initiative has enabled the most isolated communities (they provide services in 5,500 municipalities) to access banking benefits without the need to make long and expensive trips. In addition, they support the conservation of forests and the sustainable management of natural resources through productive activities that boost the local economy.
In addition, during the Green Latin America Awards, the Green Financing Forum took place, gathering representatives from the most renowned international funds, in order to explain the mechanisms to attract funds for projects. At the same time, the III Meeting of those Responsible for the Environment in Provinces, States, and Regions of Latin America and the Caribbean also took place. This event brought together environmental representatives from Sectional Governments to exchange experiences after the COP21.
December 20, 2024
December 10, 2024
December 09, 2024