CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
On March 27-31, representatives of 11 public and private institutions gathered in the city of Asunción to participate in the 9th Intensive Workshop for the Development of Technology Patents sponsored by CAF—development bank of Latin America—and the National Science and Technology Council – CONACYT.
April 04, 2017
The first activity under the agreement signed between CAF and CONACYT last September was the first intensive workshop for patent development, held in Paraguay in order to generate patentable technology concepts to solve national problems and for medium-term export and commercialization of technologies from Latin American countries.
This is the ninth intensive patent workshop held in the region. The previous workshops have yielded results that can be replicated in any country. CAF Director-Representative in Paraguay Jorge Gärtner noted: “This workshop seeks to encourage creativity of Paraguayans, both in the public and private sectors, and to have an impact on Paraguay’s progress. The Technological University of Panama was chosen as a pilot institution, which within one year moved from having one patent application to having 70 concepts filed with the national office and 52 concepts submitted through international channels, making it Latin America’s first University on the lists of international patent applicants.”
In addition, Patricia Stanley, National Director of DINAPI, described Paraguay’s innovation status and the need to increase technology indicators: “Paraguay has 28 applications filed with the National Intellectual Property Directorate. However, that figure does not depict the creativity of Paraguayans. It is important to remember that patents are the only way to monetize an idea.”
After the 5-day, 60-hour intensive training, 40 participants learned the CAF method for accelerated patent development. At the end of the training, 39 patentable technology concepts were developed and will be filed in the coming months with the national office and internationally.
Prof. Luis Alberto Lima Morra, President of CONACYT, underscored the strategic value of this workshop for the nation and the importance of the partnership with CAF on technology innovation and institutional strengthening: “Paraguay has few patents, so it is in our interest to promote patenting in the country vigorously. This type of workshop helps us provide training on the subject and learn how to protect our projects and innovations in order to translate knowledge into economic results that benefit the nation and the region.”
In the coming months, 3 additional workshops will be held for companies and institutions in Paraguay, with the support of CONACYT and DINAPI, in order to foster substantial growth in the nation’s technology innovation indicators.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025