CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
The Minister of the Secretariat of Public Function, Humberto Peralta, declared the initiative led by CAF as of "public interest"
July 28, 2016
The Government of Paraguay recognized the relevance of the Governance, Political Management and Public Management Program to achieve more efficient institutions through training that contributes to educate professionals committed with the change processes in the State's public institutions.
The recognition was acknowledged during the inauguration of the Program in Paraguay, where this second edition is executed by the Universidad Columbia, with 177 registered participants. Its territorial reach has expanded to include a new branch in the locality of Pedro Juan Caballero, added to the one in Asuncion.
The results achieved after the graduation of the first cohort, added to the high demand shown during the invitation for the current edition, has generated significant expectations in different governmental institutions. Two national congressmen, five ministers, and one mayor are part of the group of public officials that will receive training during the next six months, reaffirming the importance and institutional reach of this tool.
Peralta stated, "Transparency is a key element, and it clearly influences the public policy definition process, a necessary condition, albeit insufficient by itself, so a continuous improvement in the training of public officials is required".
For Fernando Infante, CAF's Director Representative in Paraguay, the multilateral organization seeks to strengthen these types of tools to define a new model of public servant, committed with democratic principles and open to new improvement opportunities. He stated, "In this path, the Universidad Columbia has definitely played a key role with the academic contribution in the provision of new technical capacities, but also human capacities for the different government officials".
Estela Rojas, General Director of Postgraduate Studies at Universidad Columbia and General Coordinator of the Governance, Political Management and Public Management Program in Paraguay, said that "having CAF's support has been of key importance to consolidate new institutional alliances and expand the reach of the course in 2016".
In the previous edition of the program in Paraguay, first implementation by Universidad Columbia, 105 Paraguayans were trained, and a group of graduates delivered a modernization proposal for legislative management to the President of the Senate, Senator Mario Abdo Benítez.
In Latin America, the Program has been operating since 2001 in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela, training a total of 19,849 participants. In 2016, the Universidad de la República (UdelaR), in Uruguay, joined the list of institutions that promote this training initiative, consolidating this alternative.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025