CAF announces the first edition of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Forum 2025 in Panama
December 20, 2024
Bolivia's public investment in the water and sanitation sector increased from USD 83 million in 2008 to close to USD 300 million in 2013. CAF is promoting the water, sanitation, and irrigation Mi Agua I and II, Proar, and Proinsa III programs in Bolivia.
November 08, 2013
(La Paz, November 8, 2013). The workshopComprehensive Water Management in Bolivia. Achievements and Pending Taskstook place in CAF's auditorium, presenting the results and future plans of the projects supported by the financial institution in the water and sanitation sectors, such as Mi Agua, Proar (Water and Irrigation Program for Bolivia) and Proinsa III (Investments in Sanitation Program) financed by loans for USD 384 million.
The results and future plans of these projects, as well as the challenges and strategies of the 2025 Patriotic Agenda with respect to water, were presented by governmental authorities of the sector.
Jose Carrera, CAF's Vice President of Social Development, participated in the workshop, and stated that it is necessary to maintain a comprehensive vision of the water sector. He pointed out that it is important to recognize the efforts in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and investments in the country, which "deserve international recognition", and stated that, for 2030, countries should invest 0.3 percent of GDP in infrastructure and 0.5 percent in maintenance, to achieve total coverage
He concluded by saying "we are committed with this sector, our levels of approval exceed USD 1.2 billion annually in water projects, and we see that this is a constant for Latin America. The countries are making the necessary efforts to achieve coverage with inclusion and equity".
At the same time, Daniel Rivera, Director of Social Development Projects at CAF, stated four essential points in his expositionDesarrollo Sostenible de los programas de Agua y Saneamiento en Bolivia(Sustainable Development in the Water and Sanitation Programs in Bolivia), which refer to the need for comprehensiveness and long term perspective of the country vision; consideration of infrastructure as a tool to improve the quality of life of the population, but not the only tool; need to provide quality sustainable services, management, and governance in the water sector; and an increase in productivity through education, employment, and incomes to ensure the population's access to the benefits of development.
Rivera stated that among the pending tasks, coverage stands out. The challenge is the universalization of quality sustainable water and sanitation services for all the population.
Roberto Salvatierra, Vice-Minister of the Environment, Biodiversity and Climate Change, and Forestry Development Management, presented the planning of the central government, within the 13 pillars of the Patriotic Agenda toward 2025, which includes a comprehensive view of what the country needs to achieveVivir Bien(Living Well).
Salvatierra stated that the water and sanitation agenda includes universal access to potable water, promotion of projects to design residual water treatments plants, supervision and control of the quality of potable water services with social control participation, carrying out a socio-economic study and establish differentiated charges (rates or tariffs), develop a multinational comprehensive awareness, education, and technical assistance policy regarding the rational use of water (reuse of treated waters),
improve water systems, and control the entry and exit in water systems.
CAF's continuous support
December 20, 2024
December 10, 2024
December 09, 2024