CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
This initiative will strengthen the value chain of organic quinoa and the inclusion of producers to the value chain, in order to generate benefits for farmers as well as ensure the supply of quality raw materials
January 15, 2016
CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, and Proquinoa S.A. signed a reimbursable technical cooperation agreement that will strengthen the value chain of organic quinoa in Ecuador, and will effectively support the change in the productive matrix through the promotion of non-traditional exports.
The agreement will enable the inclusion of producers to the value chain of Proquinoa, the anchor company, organizing a network of producers that reaches 1,250 tons of production annually, ensuring the supply of quality raw material. In addition, as part of the agreement, continuous training and technical assistance will be provided to close to 500 quinoa producers, enabling the organic certification of 70 percent of the network's producers, including 20 percent coming from small producers.
Bernardo Requena, CAF's Director Representative in Ecuador, highlighted that the project is in line with CAF's development agenda, andwith the agro-industrial subject that constitutes the base of the project, which is one of the areas that the financial institution seeks to support not only in Ecuador but also in the region.
He also highlighted that this is an innovative and pilot agreement in Ecuador and in CAF. In this particular case, it generates a boost of exports, improves the productive chains with highly positive conditions, and is focused on key elements for the productive development of the whole chain, through a reimbursable technical cooperation agreement that does not consider interests.
At the same time, Alfredo Zeller, President of Proquinoa S.A, stated his satisfaction for the agreement signed with CAF, and highlighted the importance of the development of organic products such as quinoa, which are valued in international markets and which have an important growing niche. He also highlighted the favorable conditions that the country has to export agricultural products, such as: climate, geographical site, knowledge, and quality of the land, among others. For this reason, he stated that the support of institutions such as CAF is essential.
Traditionally, Ecuador has exported a reduced number of product, which includes bananas, shrimp, tuna, coffee, and cacao. However, in the past few years the export basket has diversified, showing a high potential for products in increasing demand, such as quinoa. In line with the national policy to change the productive matrix and with CAF's productive development agenda, the support to non-traditional exporting sectors is an important boost to contribute to diversification, generation of employment, knowledge, and the entry of foreign currency to the country.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025