CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
CAF will implement a project to help reinforce productive public policies and improve internal public sector capabilities in industrial policy issues.
February 06, 2020
CAF—development bank of Latin America—and Ecuador’s Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries (MPCEIP) signed a technical cooperation agreement that will build institutional capacities for the design of public policies that promote productivity and foster public and private dialogue in the agro-industrial and manufacturing sectors.
Jackson Torres, Minister (a) of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries, and Bernardo Requena, CAF representative in Ecuador, co-signed the agreement that will boost productivity and competitiveness of the sectors involved, with a view to fostering employment, sales and exports.
During the signing ceremony, the minister appreciated CAF’s support and made reference to the work done by the entity with the aim of building the Ministry’s capacity to boost the nation’s productivity. He stressed that work will be done on institutional strengthening to devise productive public policies that foster improvements in industrial sectors and promote private-public dialogue.
Furthermore, Bernardo Requena noted that the project seeks to strengthen the Ministry’s ability to design productive public policy proposals with a sectoral approach, which requires a systematization methodology for public-private meetings. He also highlighted the design of the project, which calls for a holistic approach, aimed at implementing and developing sustainable capabilities, in addition to ensuring continued strengthening of public-private links, which is key to achieving a favorable environment for growth of businesses and the nation’s economy.
The project will have an expected duration of 8 months of implementation, and includes training in areas of sustainable development of industrial policy: industrial value chains, based on the UNIDO methodology, advanced manufacturing, industry 4.0, clusters, circular economy, open government and other relevant global trends to scale the context of productivity in Ecuador.
A methodology will be designed to guide public and private sector coordination, in order to implement sectoral productive strategies and policies, based on executive meetings and a forward-looking approach to establishing a medium- and long-term vision in the productive sectors involved. It also establishes the creation of a monitoring methodology to guide follow-up and evaluation of sectoral productive public policies. Similarly, a final document will be produced with policy proposals for participating sectors.
This project has been designed in compliance with CAF’s strategic guidelines for boosting productivity, with the aim of contributing to national growth.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025