CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
The workshops held in Lima and Ica validated the proposed governance scheme and the roadmap to follow throughout implementation of 6 lines of action.
January 24, 2020
The roadmap for the digitalization of agro-industrial and logistics chains for the Ica region is ready for implementation. The workshops and meetings held with an active participation of the private public sector in Lima and Ica validated the governance scheme and the 6 lines of action which will be used to promote the development of the digital economy and boost business productivity.
A workshop was held in Lima with the Technical Group for the Development of the Digital Economy (GTED), a public-private agency sponsored by the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE), with the participation of representatives from 8 ministries (Produce, PCM, Mincetur, MTC, Minagri, Mincul, Minedu, RREE), two government agencies directly involved with quality and productivity (Senasa and ITP), and three major private associations (CCL, Apesoft, Asi Crea). The GTED showed its support and commitment to the roadmap developed by the Project, which is pivotal considering its public-private articulating role in governance for the implementation of the proposed roadmap, and its role as a bridge to impact national policies.
In Ica, a meeting was held with the Regional Coordination Group for the digitalization of the agro-export chain, which featured the General Manager of the Regional Government of Ica, the President of the Ica Chamber of Commerce, the Director of Digitalization at Produce, the Director of CITE Agroindustrial of Ica and other authorities of the region.
Under the leadership of the Ica Chamber of Commerce and the Regional Government of Ica, the Regional Coordination Group will be in charge of managing implementation of the roadmap promoted by CAF and Produce. It will articulate the stakeholders for the issuance of supporting regulations or mechanisms, while also monitoring and ensuring accountability on their progress.
”We must note the enthusiasm that the roadmap for the digitalization of agribusiness and logistics has aroused in Ica. If implemented as planned, it can become a element of traction to articulate public sector efforts with the needs of companies, technology providers, and academia,” said Mauricio Agudelo, coordinator of the CAF Digital Agenda.
This initiative is part of CAF’s strategy—in partnership with ECLAC and the Center for Telecommunications Studies of Latin America (CET. LA)—for the development of industrial internet in Peru.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025