USD 296 million for Line 17 - Ouro of the São Paulo Metro
October 08, 2019
Obras contempladas vão agilizar a mobilidade e reduzir os riscos de inundações, além de implantar novos parques urbanos
November 13, 2019
A 60 million Brazilian Reais loan agreement was signed on November 13 in Brasilia between the CAF -development bank of Latin America- and the Prefecture of Jacareí (SP). The operation foresees the execution of the municipality's Urban and Social Development Program (PRODUS), which aims to improve urban mobility, increase and requalify public spaces and reduce flood risks. The signing ceremony was attended by the representative of CAF in Brazil, Jaime Holguín, the Mayor Izaias Santana, the National Treasury Attorney Ana Rachel Freitas Silva, among other authorities.
PRODUS foresees a series of urban interventions related to the implantation, restoration and modernization of approximately 14 kilometers of roads, besides the construction and adequacy of approximately 22 kilometers of bicycle paths. There will also be macro drainage of the Tanquinho Stream and the implementation and restoration of public spaces and afforestation of parks.
For Jaime Holguín, PRODUS will have a positive impact on the lives of all city dwellers due to its focus on integrated actions to improve urban conditions. "The actions are complementary and will reduce the risks of flooding, improve mobility conditions and promote better environmental and leisure conditions for the entire population."
"It will be the best five years for Jacareí. Without these resources, the city would have to wait at least 15 years to enjoy this necessary infrastructure, this quality of life afforded by mobility solutions, new parks and also the widening of the cycling network that will link the four corners of the city to the central region. The lives of our citizens will change for the better, "said the chief of Jacareí, Izaias Santana.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025
October 08, 2019
October 23, 2019