El Maratón CAF regresa el 19 de marzo de 2023
06 de July de 2022
Through caf.com, the registration process will be carried out, which relaxed the validation requirements of previous editions. Registration payment can be made in two installments. It will be the National Marathon Championship of Venezuela by the Venezuelan Athletics Federation and the Pan American Championship by the Pan American Athletics Association. The Organizing Committee increased the times for the special prizes in the 42K category.
November 11, 2022
Registration for the CAF Caracas Marathon 2023 will open next Monday, November 14th. The process will last until Friday, February 24th, 2023 or until quotas are exhausted, and will take place exclusively on the caf.com website. The 2023 CAF Marathon will offer 3,000 places for the 42K modality and 5,000 places for the 21K. Both competitions will start and end at Los Caobos Park and their distances will be marked every kilometer.
As in previous editions, the Marathon and Half Marathon routes will maintain the same route (check it here); They have the endorsement of the Venezuelan Athletics Federation (FVA), the World Marathon Association (AIMS) and World Athletics (WA). The Event has been adopted as the Venezuelan National Marathon Championship by the FVA and the Pan American Championship by the Pan American Athletics Association.
To register, runners must show that they have at least one of the following requirements: having participated between 2016 and 2022 in the CAF-Caracas Marathon, or another that is verifiable, and having achieved a time equal to or less than 6:00 hours; have participated between 2016 and 2022 in the CAF-Caracas Half Marathon, or another that is verifiable and have achieved a time equal to or less than 3:00 hours; having participated between 2020 and 2022 in two 10K Races and having achieved an average time of 01:15 hours in the two races. More details in the Regulation.
The cost of registration for both modalities will be USD 40, payable in VES at the official exchange rate of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), which will be updated every 15 days. Payment can be made in one or two installments from CAF.com, where the Hipereventos payment platform will be hosted. In the latter case, the runner has until January 15, 2023 to pay both installments, or until the quotas are exhausted; Only when making the second payment will his status change to registered and he will receive the runner's number.
The general award of the Marathon will be the same for men and women: 1st place USD 5,000; 2nd place USD 4,000; 3rd place USD 3,000; 4th place USD 2,000; and 5th place USD 1,000. In the Half Marathon the award will be as follows: 1st place USD 1,500; 2nd place USD 1,000; 3rd place $800; 4th place USD 600; and 5th place USD 400. Wheelchair athletes will receive: 1st place USD 1,500; 2nd place USD 1,000; and 3rd place USD 800.
In addition, with the purpose of stimulating the elite runners, the Organizing Committee increased the times related to the special bonus of USD 5,000 for the winner and the winner of the 1st place of the Marathon modality, who are nationals of one of the member countries. from CAF (Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, Jamaica, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela) and that they obtain marks equal to or less than 2:18:00 (men) and 2:48:00 (women). Athletes who obtain these marks and are not nationals of CAF member countries will receive a bonus of USD 1,000.
The start times of the categories of participation in the Event are as follows: Half Marathon wheelchair athletes: 5:55 a.m.; Marathon: 6:00 a.m.; and Half Marathon: 6:15 a.m. The maximum duration of the Marathon will be 6 hours, so the arrival will close at 12:00 noon; while the maximum duration of the Half Marathon will be 3 hours, so the arrival will be closed at 9:15 a.m.
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06 de July de 2022