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March 21, 2025
More than 70 young men and women joined the Social Hackathon for Peace, organized in the DIA (Democratizing Innovation in the Americas) laboratory in Bogota, to search for solutions to challenges of reconciliation between former combatants and victims of armed conflict in Colombia.
August 01, 2018
The initiative is part of the activities of the Innovation Laboratory for Peace – a project developed by Trust for the Americas, CAF-development bank of Latin America, and the National University of Colombia –, featuring guest experts who worked alongside the young participants to develop their ideas.
On July 21, the participants were divided into six groups of about 12 people and instructed to find a solution to the following challenge: How to build innovative reconciliation strategies between victims and former combatants in rural and urban areas that can be implemented over the next two years? The challenge had be solved in an hour and a half. The members of each group presented their proposals in three-minute pitches. The proposals were evaluated based on relevance, feasibility, impact and sustainability.
The winning idea was Tienda de saberes para la reconciliación (Knowledge Store for Reconciliation) – an ecommerce app where both victims and former combatants may sell their products, so that consumers can learn the story behind each item or product. The rationale behind this initiative is that one of the causes that hinder reconciliation is the lack of opportunities for former combatants, although many of them have several business ideas with great potential, and they all have extensive knowledge of their territories. The developers pointed out that this is an innovative tool not only because it is the first of its kind, but because consumers will be able to see who is behind the products, learn about their stories, how long it took to produce them, and even where the proceeds from their purchase will be invested.
Other outstanding ideas that emerged from the hackathon are:
Tejiendo Territorio
This project was proposed to be developed in Usme, Bogota. It is based on the importance of establishing a reconciliation process between victims and former combatants, as a tool to develop the community and help improve the living conditions of these populations. Specific actions were proposed, such as meetings to share knowledge, where former combatants could join in activities to recognize their emotions; tejidos de paz, an activity that contributes to collective development of initiatives; and a sowing campaign, in order for people to start producing their own food.
Reconstructing Ideas for Peace
This is a laboratory of reconciliation and agricultural entrepreneurship for the neighborhood of Sumapaz, in Bogotá, to treat psychological sequelae in people involved in the conflict, such as victims and former perpetrators. This would include agricultural and manufacturing training in order to create a self-sustainable project to control the production line from harvest to marketing of produce.
Me la Trueco por la Paz
This project was proposed to be developed in three areas of Bogotá. In the first stage, a play-based pedagogy would be used to invite families to participate in several educational activities. Developers highlighted the importance of games in the role of reconciliation, because this activity would allow individuals to recognize each other as equals and identify their skills and talents. The second phase would be to gather people to develop production projects based on their skills, and subsequently set up a cooperative. This project would benefit not only the economic improvement of participants, but also could possibly lead to emotional healing.
Paz a la Chiva
Participants who developed this idea proposed the creation of a mobile unit -locally known as chiva-, which would be located in the Kennedy neighborhood, and would be staffed with a team of psychologists, economists, social workers, nurses, engineers and educational trainers. The purpose of the unit would be to support reconciliation between former combatants and victims, through a process that includes a comprehensive technical guide consisting of an analysis of their economic and psychological status; an analysis of the therapy to be implemented (according to each case); and discussing with patients the steps to follow. Participants also proposed yoga, meditation, prayer, dance and theatre workshops, as well as other skill activities to help with psychological and physical strengthening of beneficiaries. Finally, a guidance session was proposed for labor and social inclusion, and for the development of entrepreneurship or productive initiatives of project participants.
It is the installation of a bicycle workshop in Mitú, capital of the Department of Vaupés, to design, build and sell bicycles. This project would create ten jobs which would also help in the strengthening of the social fabric. Proceeds from the sale of bicycles would be used to fund workshops, guided bicycle tours and the creation of a mobile app to sell these products and publish the activities organized under the project.
New activities
The DIA laboratory of Innovation for Peace expects to have trained a total of 250 people by August 19 on the UNAL campuses in Bogotá, Arauca, Tumaco and Manizales. Before this, a small Hackathon-Pitch Tank will take place on the Manizales campus.
Also, the UNAL Bogota campus will hold its Pitch Tank on Saturday, August 4. During this event, about 50 project proposals will be evaluated by a panel of experts based on relevance, feasibility, impact and sustainability. The top 12 projects in this exercise will be chosen. These projects will receive mentoring with UNAL and external expert staff in order to help young people develop their projects.
Innovation Lab for Peace has trained more than 200 young people in the DIA methodology, which seeks to democratize access to a network of innovation laboratories in order to encourage creativity and innovation in young people and unleash their potential in favor of project identification and design to contribute to social reconciliation and peace-building. These innovations seek to become practical, concrete, low-cost, high impact, high-quality solutions that solve problems associated with the effects of armed conflict and violence in the nation.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025