Solidarity with the people of Venezuela

August 19, 1993

(Caracas, August 19, 1993). -- In solidarity with the Venezuelan people, CAF granted a non-reimbursable contribution of US$150,000 (14 million bolivars) to relieve the serious damage caused by the tropical storm Bret, which lashed the country last August 7 and 8.

With 150 dead and 5,000 victims, the natural disaster is still affecting the Venezuelan people due to intense rains which later caused fresh landslides.

Although eight states in the country were affected, the Caracas Metropolitan Area suffered most damage after hurricane winds and heavy rain flooded large areas of land, leaving 3,500 people homeless. The victims have been housed in Fuerte Tiuna and in schools in the most affected sectors, where they are being supplied with clothing, food and medical care while awaiting relocation.

CAF President & CEO Enrique García said the contribution would be used to acquire field hospitals and auxiliary pre-hospital equipment, with a total cost of around US$215,000. The Ministry of Health and Social Assistance will contribute US$65,000."

The executing agency will be the Venezuelan Pan-American Health Office, which will acquire the equipment, which -- after the emergency -- will be handed over to the fire service of the Federal District and Miranda state, civil defense and the Venezuelan Red Cross.

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