Support for risk management and tourism initiatives

The CAF signed two agreements yesterday in Ecuador. The first contributes to reducing the vulnerabilities and risks to which the population, goods, services and investments in the country are exposed, and the second aims to improve the living standards and sustainable human development of local communities through a tourism initiative

April 22, 2004

Agreement signed with SENPLADES for institutional strengthening of risk management in Ecuador

The Andean Development Corporation (CAF) and the National Planning and Development Secretariat, SENPLADES, signed a technical cooperation agreement for the execution of the “Institutional Strengthening of Risk Management in Ecuador” project. The agreement contributes to reducing the vulnerabilities to which the population, property, services and investments in the country are exposed, in an effort to promote sustainable human development.

It is essential that Ecuador adopt policies and strategies to reduce vulnerability as an integrated part of social and economic development plans. The activities of the institutions involved have to be coordinated since risk management is considered a multifunctional, multidisciplinary and multisectoral task.

Only a joint effort can heighten public awareness, provide timely and up-to-date information on threats, vulnerabilities and risks, and promote the use of appropriate technologies.

The project includes studies, workshops, and dissemination and promotion through a series of publications. The CAF will contribute $73,000.

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