The Accelerated Patents Method reaches Monterrey

CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, with the support of the Instituto de Innovación y Transferencia de Tecnología (Innovation and Technology Transfer Institute) and the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (Autonomous University of Nueva Leon), held the first Intensive CAF Patents Workshop in the city of Monterrey, enabling the creation of 35 patentable concepts with the Accelerated Patents Method 

June 21, 2016

The first intensive workshop for the accelerated development of patents took place in the framework of the Regional Technological Patents for Development Initiative held in Monterrey, Mexico. It is the fourth workshop conducted at a regional level. 

For five days, a total of 29 participants of the UANL, including teachers, researchers, and students from diverse areas, worked in teams and managed to obtain 35 technological patents that may be patented in international offices. 

The main objective of the intensive workshops for the development of patents is to increase the production of applications coming form the region, conceptualizing engineering technologies, and training participants in the search of prior art to see if the idea is patentable. In the medium term, the technological innovation indicators will reflect the impact of these workshops on the participation of Latin American countries in international patent offices such as USPTO, EPO and via PCT.


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