CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
One Trinidadian, one Colombian and one Argentinian student won the second edition of the #IdeasForTheFuture university essay competition, an initiative launched by CAF—development bank of Latin America—and the central banks of Ibero-American countries, which aims to showcase the vision of young Ibero-Americans in key issues for the development of their countries.
November 06, 2020
Omari Joseph, a student at the University of the West Indies, won the 2020 edition of the Ideas for the Future competition with an essay on the current situation of Latin American SMEs and the best public policies to close historical productivity gaps. Joseph received the Guillermo Perry Award (USD 3,000).
The second prize (USD 2,000) was for Kevin Steven Mojica, a student at the University of Los Andes, Colombia, with an essay on digital economics, and the third prize (USD 1,000) went to Nazarena Marano, from Torcuato di Tella University, Argentina, with an essay on free trade agreements in the region.
The three students had the opportunity to present their essays and hold discussions with CAF Secretary General Victor Rico, who recognized the value of their works during the CAF annual conference.
“The #IdeasForTheFuture showcases every year the vitality and talent of Ibero-American youth. This year’s edition, in the context of COVID-19, has shown that young people are well prepared and have great ideas for transforming the reality of their countries,” said CAF executive president Luis Carranza.
More than 500 essays from 19 countries were entered in this year’s edition. The original texts of the 12 finalists and winners are available on the website www.ideasparaelfuturo.caf.com.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025