Uruguay: Successful III Workshop of CDM Designated National Authorities in Latin America

The Environment Unit, through its Latin American Carbon Program (PLAC), held on April 21 and 22 this year, in Punta del Este, Uruguay, the III Annual Workshop of Designated National Authorities of the Clean Development Mechanism (DNA/CDM) in the Latin American region.

May 06, 2005

The third meeting led by CAF was attended by representatives of the Designated National Authorities of the five Andean countries, along with Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and various private and public actors (as guests). The attendees exchanged ideas, knowledge and experience and lessons learned at regional level with a view to strengthening and improving the outstanding position of Latin America in the CDM, as well as confirming the conviction that this market is a useful tool for promoting the sustainable development of the region.

One of PLAC’s fundamental objectives in these workshops is to strengthen the CDM Designated National Authorities (CDM-DNA), as reflected in the quality of projects originating in Latin America, and the clarity and transparency of the regulatory and promotional activities for which the DNAs are responsible. Institutional strengthening functions as an important and parallel complement to PLAC’s operating and technical approach, which has led to the development of major projects in the transport, methane, energy and industrial sectors, and to the approval of the specific methodology for biodigester projects and the rethinking of the first mass transport methodology, which is in process of review by the Methodologies Panel.

On this occasion the event was cofinanced by the Dutch and Canadian governments.

Some presentations from the workshop are available.

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