CAF Executive President Strengthens Caribbean Relations at 48th CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Barbados
March 21, 2025
February 07, 2011
CAF President & CEO Enrique García and Peruvian Environment Minister Antonio Brack signed an agreement for US$123,639 to support preparation of the "National Environmental Action Plan," together with a second agreement for US$120,000 for the Program for Environmental and Social Management of the indirect impacts of the Southern Interoceanic Road Corridor - Stage II", and a third for US$32,000 for participatory workshops to prepare the Program.
A fourth agreement was signed with the head of the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (SERNANP), Luis Alfaro, for US$148,800 for the Project to Create and Strengthen the Unit for Regional and Private Conservation Areas of SERNANP. The funds will partially finance the creation at least 10 new regional and private natural conservation areas (local community), along with design and implementation of management technical and legal systems at level of regional governments with the objective of creating solid institutional foundations for sustainable management of the areas.
The strategic value of the project - located in the Cusco, Piura and Amazonas regions - is that over the next two years all the other regions will institutionalize their management of natural conservation areas based on the achievements and lessons learned from this experience.
Tambopata National Reserve
Also during his visit, García signed a technical cooperation agreement with the executive director of the Peruvian Foundation for Nature Conservation (Pronaturaleza), Martin Alcalde, to support the Tambopata National Reserve Buffer Zone Consolidation Project by building institutional capacities and developing socio-productive infrastructure (works related to sanitation, communications, improvised river piers, and information and health centers).
CAF is providing US$336,609 to support this project, together with US$215,145 from the Odebrecht Association, US$241,505 from Inter-American Development Bank, and US$38,100 from Pronaturaleza NGO, in coordination with Conservation International NGO.
The aim of the project is to lay the base for developing sustainable productive activities by the local population of about 2,750 families, grouped in 14 community and sectoral institutions. The initiative will guarantee conservation of at least 6,000 hectares of primary forest, and indirectly about 112,000 hectares of primary and secondary Amazonian forest located parallel to the Southern Interoceanic Corridor (CVIS).
"CAF supports Peru in the conservation and sustainable use of its natural resources and ecosystems, incorporating long-term criteria and principles of sustainability, considering that the environment is a cross-cutting mainstreaming component of social, economic and cultural development of countries," Garcia said.
Support for Peru Workshop Schools
The CAF chief executive also signed with the director of the Hispano-Peruvian Cooperation Fund (FONCHIP), Cesar Becerra, a technical cooperation agreement for US$340,000 to strengthen Workshop Schools Peru in Lima, Arequipa, Colca and Cusco, set up by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI) and supported by CAF since 2006.
In the 2008-2010 period, CAF support for the Workshop Schools resulted in the training of about 500 young people in trades associated with heritage rescue: brickwork, carpentry, electricity, gardening, blacksmithing and foundry work, among others.
This project is part of the CAF Integrated Community Development Program which promotes initiatives to improve the quality of life of beneficiaries, and open opportunities for development through the productive participation and integrated development of the individual.
"Consistent with our integrated social responsibility strategy, CAF - in partnership with AECID and FONCHIP - aims to generate development through enhancement of cultural heritage and access to the labor market for young people from poor sectors," García said.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025