US$300,000 donation for Peru

CAF President & CEO of the multilateral financial organization sends letter of solidarity to Peruvian president.

August 16, 2007

(Caracas, August 16, 2007).- The Andean Development Corporation (CAF) approved an immediate donation of US$300,000 to provide emergency humanitarian aid to the areas affected by yesterday’s earthquake in the south of Peru, CAF President Enrique García said.

In a letter to Peruvian President Alan García, the CAF president expressed his solidarity with the Peruvian people in the aftermath of the events, and the lamentable loss of human life and considerable material damage.

García confirmed the willingness of the multilateral organization to fully support the reconstruction of the country, and instructed CAF representative in Peru Eleonora Silva to coordinate with government authorities to determine the best way to help in the work.

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