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March 21, 2025
Twenty-five young Paraguayan leaders were called by CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, to participate in the I Meeting of National Leaders
May 15, 2015
Twenty-five young Paraguayan leaders were called by CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, to participate in the I Meeting of National Leaders, with the purpose of debating about the needs of the country and share the vision for the future. The meeting was held in Asuncion, and included the participation of the young ministers of the Secretarías Nacionales de Juventud (SNJ) (National Secretariats for the Youth) and Vivienda y el Habitat (Housing and Habitat) (SENAVIT), the Secretary General of the Organización Iberoamericana de Juventud (OIJ) (Ibero-American Youth Organization), and the General Manager of Microsoft Paraguay as speakers.
During the inauguration, Christian Asinelli, CAF's Director for Institutional Development, pointed out the bank's interest for youths "the bet on this sector is not circumstantial. Supporting emerging leaders is a strategic and cross-cutting issue for the programs and projects that we promote in member countries". Marisa Spina, CAF's Executive in Paraguay, summarized the operations in which the Institution participates in Paraguay.
Participants from diverse sectors of society (congress, entrepreneurial, social, cultural, trade associations, among others), had the opportunity to participate in dialogues regarding the challenges faced by youths in Paraguay and the region, as well as propose ideas for the transformation of their country. The discussion focused on taking advantage of the moment that is being promoted by the government to achieve a greater institutional framework in the country. The interest of these leaders in accompanying the government was evidenced in the meeting.
Marcelo Pavon Soto, Minister for Youth, stated, "Paraguay is the youngest country in the region, with 75 percent of the population under 40 years old", and for this reason we cannot continue with institutions that have not adapted to the current times. He called for the construction of a new institutional framework added to the goodwill of the national leaders participating in the meeting.
Robert Watson, member of Global Shapers Asuncion Hub and advisor for social innovation on issues dealing with the fight against poverty, offered his support, as did the other participants, "we want to take advantage of this opportunity provided by CAF to place our experience and time at the disposal of the government, to define the state's long-term public policies."
At the same time, Soledad Núñez, Minister of Housing and Habitat, spoke about the current challenges and new ideas that young people can contribute to improve the institutional framework in Paraguay. She used her experience as an example, as she went from working in the NGO TECHO before working in the public sector. In her new position she uses the experience acquired in her social work.
The presentation of Alejo Ramírez, General Secretary of the OIJ focused on presenting the youth scenario at a regional level. "It is a diverse youth, so we cannot speak about a youth, as there are different youths, with complex and unequal realities". He also highlighted that Latin American youths are present and active, as they find new ways of doing things, they are innovative, in favor of integration, and express their solidarity with small countries.
The debates carried out during the I Meeting of National Leaders organized by CAF confirmed the importance of the role of youths in the construction of the present and future of Paraguay.
March 21, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 25, 2025