

(in millions of USD)

Approvals by country

2017-21 (in millions of USD)

Aprobaciones por producto en 2023
(en millones USD)

Sovereign risk       8.647
  Loans     5.117
    Investment programs and projects   3.873
    Programmatic (PBLs) and SWAps   1.244
  Contingent credit lines     2.990
  Financial lines of credit     540
Non-sovereign risk       7.325
  Corporate loans     80
  A/B Loans     1.100
    Section A   170
    Section B   930
  Credit lines     5.975
    Corporate   150
    Financial   5.825
  Partial credit guarantees     50
  Shareholdings and investment funds     121
Sub-sovereign risk       250
  Loans     50
    Investment programs and protections   50
  Corporate loans      
  Lines of credit     200
    Corporate   200
Development cooperation funds       39
Total approvals

Loan portfolio

( in millions of USD)

Portfolio by country

2017- 2021 ( in millions of USD)


(in millions of USD)

Disbursements by country

2017 - 2021 (in millions of USD)

Disbursements by product 2023
(in millions of USD)

Sovereign risk       5.689
  Loans     3.774
    Investment programs and projects   2.158
    Programmatic (PBLs) and SWAps   1.617
  Contingent credit lines     1.335
  Financial lines of credit     580
Non-sovereign risk       3.181
  Corporate loans     160
  Credit lines     41
  Líneas de crédito     2.965
    Corporativas   600
    Financieras   2.365
Participaciones accionarios y fondos de inversión
Fondos de cooperación para el desarrollo
Total de desembolsos