Approvals by country
Approvals by product in 2023 )
(in millions USD
Sovereign risk |
8.647 |
Loans |
5.117 |
Investment programs and projects |
3.873 |
Programmatic (PBLs) and SWAps |
1.244 |
Contingent credit lines |
2.990 |
Financial lines of credit |
540 |
Non-sovereign risk |
7.325 |
Corporate loans |
80 |
A/B Loans |
1.100 |
Section A |
170 |
Section B |
930 |
Credit lines |
5.975 |
Corporate |
150 |
Financial |
5.825 |
Partial credit guarantees |
50 |
Shareholdings and investment funds |
121 |
Sub-sovereign risk |
250 |
Loans |
50 |
Investment programs and protections |
50 |
Corporate loans |
Lines of credit |
200 |
Corporate |
200 |
Development cooperation funds |
39 |
Total approvals |
16.261 |
Loan portfolio
Loan portfolio
Portfolio by country
Disbursements by country
Disbursements by product 2023
(in millions of USD)
Sovereign risk |
5.689 |
Loans |
3.774 |
Investment programs and projects |
2.158 |
Programmatic (PBLs) and SWAps |
1.617 |
Contingent credit lines |
1.335 |
Financial lines of credit |
580 |
Non-sovereign risk |
3.181 |
Corporate loans |
160 |
Credit lines |
41 |
Líneas de crédito |
2.965 |
Corporativas |
600 |
Financieras |
2.365 |
Participaciones accionarios y fondos de inversión |
15 |
Fondos de cooperación para el desarrollo |
34 |
Total de desembolsos |
8.904 |