From March 20 to 28, CAF will hold more than 30 activities in Santiago and other regions of Chile as part of its Board of Directors and Shareholders’ Meeting. These events will address key issues for the region’s sustainable and inclusive development, bringing together government officials, the private sector, multilateral organizations, and the academic community.

During the Board of Directors meeting, CAF will present financing operations to support strategic projects that drive economic, social, and environmental transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean. These decisions play a crucial role in mobilizing resources toward priority sectors such as infrastructure, energy, water and sanitation, education, digitalization, sustainability, and climate action.

As part of this agenda, CAF will unveil the Economy and Development Report (RED), marking 20 years as a key reference in analyzing the region’s most pressing economic and social challenges. Additionally, CAF will launch its Agricultural Prosperity Strategy, its Security and Justice for Development Strategy, and its Transparency Report.

Join the live streams


*Santiago de Chile Time

Day 4

March 24, 2025

Day 5

March 25, 2025

Day 6

March 26, 2025

Day 7

March 27, 2025

Day 8

March 28, 2025

Day 1

March 20, 2025

Day 2

March 21, 2025

Day 3

March 22, 2025

    International Seminar on Security and Justice for LAC & MOU Signing between CAF and the Carabineros Officers’ School

    In response to the growing demand in Latin America and the Caribbean, CAF will present its new Strategic Framework on Security and Justice for Development. This initiative aims to contribute effectively to strengthening citizen security and justice policies in the region.

    Location: Academy of Police Sciences



    High-Level Forum: Launch of the Strategic Program for Supporting and Strengthening South American Integration (SUR)

    CAF will introduce the SUR Program, a strategic platform for training in South American integration. This high-level forum will provide a space for dialogue among political leaders, academics, and diplomats on key challenges and opportunities for regional cooperation in South America.

    Location: University of Chile



    Strategic Dialogue with Regional Governors of Chile

    CAF will engage in discussions with Chile’s Regional Governors to explore opportunities for joint efforts aimed at fostering a more balanced regional development in the country.

    Location: ECLAC, 4th Floor

    Opening of the Espacio Lector at La Moneda Cultural Center

    This space seeks to enhance the social and economic impact on communities, aiming to promote inclusion, education, and development through various activities.

    Location: La Moneda Cultural Center

    Adhesion of Cities to CAF’s Latin America and the Caribbean BiodiverCities Network

    Cities in Chile will formally join CAF’s BiodiverCities Network, reinforcing their commitment to sustainable urban development.

    Location: ECLAC, Prebisch Room

    Roundtable: Strengthening Disaster Preparedness and Response in Latin America and the Caribbean

    This discussion will focus on the urgent need to develop a coordinated agenda for disaster anticipation and response across the region.

    Location: ECLAC, Prebisch Room

    CAF-FAO Roundtable on Agricultural Prosperity: Launch of CAF’s New Agricultural Strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean

    CAF will unveil its new Agricultural Strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean, alongside key partners such as FAO, IICA, and the private sector, fostering dialogue on the future of the region’s agricultural sector.

    Location: FAO Headquarters




What You Need to Know


CAF’s Board of Directors is its highest decision-making body, composed of representatives from shareholders in Series A, B, and C—typically Ministers of Economy and Finance, Central Bank Presidents, and senior economic authorities from member countries.

Main Functions


  • Define CAF’s policies and oversee its management.
  • Appoint the Executive President.
  • Approve loans, investments, and the annual budget.
  • Grant guarantees and delegate approvals to the Executive Committee or the Executive President.

Responsibilities of the Board Chair

Elected for a one-year term, the Chair leads three Board meetings, as well as sessions of the Shareholders’ Assembly and the Audit Committee.

Through its Board of Directors, CAF ensures effective governance aligned with the region’s sustainable development goals.






The Shareholders’ Assembly is CAF’s highest governing body, responsible for approving strategic decisions and overseeing the institution’s management. It is composed of Series A, B, and C shareholders and convenes either as an Ordinary Session (once a year, within 90 days after the fiscal year ends) or as an Extraordinary Session, depending on the matters to be addressed.

Main Functions


  • Approve the Board of Directors' annual report and audited financial statements.
  • Determine the allocation of CAF’s profits.
  • Elect members of the Board of Directors.
  • Appoint external auditors.
  • Address any other formally submitted matters.

As CAF’s highest authority, the Shareholders’ Assembly ensures transparency and sustainability, guaranteeing that its decisions contribute to the development of Latin America and the Caribbean.