Latin America and the Caribbean working together on the 2030 agenda

SEP / 19th and 20th / 2022. New York City


Muchas voces , una región - Teaser

Outstanding news

September 20, 2022
Latin America Fosters Inclusion Through Sports
CAF consolidates cross-cutting alliances for an effective contribution of sports to the inclusion of people with disabilities. Learn more!
September 20, 2022
Latin American Ministers Discuss the Region’s Educational Challenges
The effects of school closures caused by the pandemic and the structural challenges facing the region in education
September 20, 2022
CAF calls for action to guarantee food security
Learn about the conclusions of the "Food Security in Latin America and the Caribbean” panel, held by CAF and its partners.
September 20, 2022
Latin America calls for solutions in climate action, inclusion and food security
Learn about the events organized for the second day of Many Voices, One Region. Coffee prosperity, food security, education, among other topics.