Reporte de Economía y Desarrollo (RED) de CAF: Desafíos globales, soluciones regionales
RED: Global challenges, regional solutions: Latin America and the Caribbean in the face of the climate and biodiversity crisis
The report
This edition of the Report on Economic Development (RED) examines the challenges and opportunities that climate action and the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity pose for Latin America and the Caribbean. The report emphasizes three key messages relevant to all countries: the importance of adaptation, the need to contribute to global mitigation efforts, and the urgency of preserving natural capital as a key factor in the development process. It also highlights that policies to address these challenges may vary depending on each country’s resource diversity and risks, with potential trade-offs between conflicting objectives and opportunities for synergies that must be harnessed.
This document seeks to contribute to the debate about the best public policy alternatives to promote productive economies with low carbon emissions, greater social inclusion, and sustainable use of natural resources. The financing needs to meet development, climate, and biodiversity preservation goals are overwhelming. Therefore, CAF – Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean has committed to increasing green financing to 40% of its approvals by 2026 and to being one of the most active institutions in the region in mobilizing resources from major green funds and international partners.

This edition of the Report on Economic Development (RED) examines the challenges and opportunities that climate action and the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity pose for Latin America and the Caribbean. The report emphasizes three key messages relevant to all countries: the importance of adaptation, the need to contribute to global mitigation efforts, and the urgency of preserving natural capital as a key factor in the development process. It also highlights that policies to address these challenges may vary depending on each country’s resource diversity and risks, with potential trade-offs between conflicting objectives and opportunities for synergies that must be harnessed. This document seeks to contribute to the debate about the best public policy alternatives to promote productive economies with low carbon emissions, greater social inclusion, and sustainable use of natural resources. The financing needs to meet development, climate, and biodiversity preservation goals are overwhelming. Therefore, CAF – Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean has committed to increasing green financing to 40% of its approvals by 2026 and to being one of the most active institutions in the region in mobilizing resources from major green funds and international partners.
Authors: Pablo Brassiolo; Sebastian Vicuña
Authors: Juan Odriozola; Manuel Toledo
Authors: Ricardo Estrada; Federico Juncosa
Authors: Gustavo Fajardo
Authors: Pablo Brassiolo; Ricardo Estrada; Ernesto Schargrodsky
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Authors of the RED

Ernesto Schargrodsky
Director of Socioeconomic Research, CAF

Pablo Brassiolo
Principal Economist, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America-

Ricardo Estrada
Principal Economist, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America-

Gustavo Fajardo
Principal Economist - CAF - development bank of Latin America

Juan Odriozola
Principal Economist, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America-

Federico Juncosa
Executive of Socioeconomic Research, CAF -development bank of Latin America-

Manuel Toledo
Principal Economist, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America-

Sebastian Vicuña
Director of the UC Global Change Center
Ernesto Schargrodsky

Director of Socioeconomic Research, CAF
He received a Phd degree in Economics from Harvard University and a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires. He has a master's degree in economics from Harvard University and graduate studies from the Institute for Economic and Social Development (IDES). He was president of the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and, previously, dean of the Business School. He was also a visiting professor and researcher at Stanford and Harvard. He is a full member of the National Academy of Economic Sciences of Argentina, a fellow of the Econometric Society, a researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and a researcher at J-PAL-Latin America (Jameel Poverty Action Lab). His works have been published in the American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, American Economic Journal, Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Public Economics, and Journal of Development Economics, among others. His areas of specialization are Economic Development, Crime Economics and Applied Microeconomics.
Pablo Brassiolo

Principal Economist, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America-
Ph.D. in Economics at Pompeu Fabra University (Spain). Master in Economics at the same university and at the Universidad del Cema (Argentina). Degree in Economics from the National University of Córdoba (1997). His research interests are in the areas of labor economics, economic development, family economics, and public policy and program evaluation. Previously, he worked as a research economist at the IERAL of the Mediterranean Foundation (Argentina) and as a professor at the Pompeu Fabra University, the National University of Córdoba and the 21st Century Business University (Argentina). See publications
Ricardo Estrada

Principal Economist, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America-
Ph.D. in Economics from the Paris School of Economics (France). Master in Public Policy from the University of Chicago (USA). His research interests are in the areas of labor, education and development economics.
Before joining CAF he was a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute. He has been a consultant for international organizations such as the World Bank, the International Fund for Agricultural Development of the United Nations and the Population Council. In Mexico, he collaborated with the CIDAC think tank and, in the private sector, with INSAD and Hill and Knowlton.
See publications
Gustavo Fajardo

Principal Economist - CAF - development bank of Latin America
Ph.D. in Economics at the Center for Monetary and Financial Studies - CEMFI (Spain). Master in Economics from the same university. Degree in Economics from the University of Carabobo (Venezuela). His research interests are in the areas of political economy, migration and economic development. View publications
Juan Odriozola

Principal Economist, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America-
Federico Juncosa

Executive of Socioeconomic Research, CAF -development bank of Latin America-
Federico es mimbro del equipo de investigación de CAF desde 2016, donde lleva a cabo investigación aplicada en áreas de economía urbana, economía laboral y desarrollo económico. Además, se especializa en la generación y uso de nuevas fuentes de datos para la investigación y para el diseño, monitoreo y evaluación de políticas públicas. Es Licenciado en Economía por la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (Argentina) y Master en Economía por la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (Argentina), donde se desempeñó también como docente de grado y posgrado.
Manuel Toledo

Principal Economist, CAF -Development Bank of Latin America-
Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Rochester (USA). Master in Stochastic Models at the Central University of Venezuela. Degree in Economics from the same university. His research interests are in the areas of macroeconomics and labor economics.
Before joining CAF, he worked as a professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid, the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM) and the University of Kent in the United Kingdom.
See publications
Sebastian Vicuña

Director of the UC Global Change Center