governance in municipalities and smart cities

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We offer a platform of products and services to drive both supply and demand for GovTech innovation in the region.

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IILA and CAF renew agreement for collaboration in strategic sectors

IILA and CAF renew agreement for collaboration in strategic sectors

May 23, 2024

Learn about the collaboration agreement in strategic sectors between IILA and CAF.

CAF and UNDP: Partnership for Development in Latin America

CAF and UNDP: Partnership for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

February 01, 2024

Learn the details of the alliance between CAF and UNDP for the Development of Latin America and the Caribbean.

CAF participates in CLAD international seminar in Uruguay

CAF reiterates commitment to CLAD on public sector good personnel management practices

April 20, 2023

CAF participated in an international event on public sector good personnel management practices organized by CLAD and Uruguay’s ONSC

CAF: Strategic Partner of Chile’s Decentralization

CAF: Strategic Partner of Chile’s Decentralization

September 30, 2022

CAF’s visit to Chile. Chile hosts CAF as a full member of the development bank of Latin America. Strategic partner of internal decentralization

In a year CAF achieves more financial strength and added new countries

In a year CAF achieves more financial strength and added new countries to become the green bank and lead the region’s economic reactivation

September 01, 2022

The largest capitalization approval in the bank’s history for USD 7.000 million; Chile, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic shareholding increase