
Our contribution

We contribute to the development of national logistics systems in the region, promoting projects and programs in specialized logistics while generating value-added and differentiated research capitalized by public- and private-sector players to improve domestic and international logistics management and consequently increase competitive and comparative logistics advantages in Latin America.

Paving and maintenance of rural roads to guarantee progress in Peru

Paving and maintenance of rural roads in Latin America to guarantee the economic and social progress of communities

June 25, 2024

Find out more about the Guide "Rural Roads: A Gateway to Development and Territorial Connectivity", which analyzes roads in Latin America.

CAF ratifies its catalytic role to attract investors interested in PPP

CAF ratifies its catalytic role to attract investors interested in PPPs in the region

June 17, 2024

Find out more about the event "Public-Private Partnerships: Transforming Infrastructure Development in Panama".

IILA and CAF renew agreement for collaboration in strategic sectors

IILA and CAF renew agreement for collaboration in strategic sectors

May 23, 2024

Learn about the collaboration agreement in strategic sectors between IILA and CAF.

Quito Metro: a solution to improve access and quality of transport

Quito Metro: a solution to improve access and quality of urban transport

May 05, 2024

Learn why the Quito Metro is a solution to improve access and quality of urban transportation in Ecuador.

CAF celebrates inauguration of the Central Railroad Project in Uruguay

CAF celebrates the inauguration of the Central Railroad Project in Uruguay

April 16, 2024

Learn more about the inauguration of the Central Railway Project in Uruguay