Who we are

We are a development bank committed to supporting the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and improving the quality of life in the region. Our actions promote sustainable development and regional integration. We serve the public and private sectors, providing multiple products and services to a broad client base of 22 member countries, private companies, and financial institutions.

Strategic agenda

Latin America and the Caribbean is a solution region. Therefore, our Strategic Plan has three types of agendas that are the roadmap to becoming the green bank and sustainable and inclusive growth in the region. Each one has a long-term vision that is materialized through the initiatives that comprise it. Learn more about each of the agendas and what they consist of.

Our Cultural Identity Model

It represents more than a set of values; It is the heart that connects us strongly with the vision and mission of the institution and the actions we undertake. It allows us to attract exceptional people who not only share our values ​​but are also committed to our vision as a development bank.

Together we make CAF a place where commitment is transformed into tangible results. As a team, we are prepared to face challenges strengthened by a common identity and the power of our human capital.

At CAF, each talent is a fundamental piece in building a legacy of prosperity and well-being for future generations.   

We firmly believe that our work has a significant and lasting impact. We strive to be a beacon of hope, promoting sustainable development and social and environmental inclusion in the region. 

Our values


Cultural values ​​and statements are the principles that connect our minds and hearts, reflecting our unique identity as a development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean:

  • Commitment: We work with mystique and social sensitivity, inspired by the well-being of the region.
  • Reliability: We act with solid ethical principles and high standards of integrity to guarantee institutional sustainability.
  • Quality: We serve our clients with excellence, agility and efficiency, supported by our experience and specialized technical knowledge.
  • Growth:  We approach our expansion by understanding our environment, fostering continuous learning and driving innovation.

Our cultural statements

CAF in numbers by 2023

We measure contributions to the development of our approved operations throughout the year, especially investment projects and programs, corporate loans and capital investments. Some of the major highlights of 2023 include:

USD 16.261 MM

Approvals in 2023

USD 34.196 MM

Consolidated portfolio as of 2023 (without accounting adjustments)

USD 25.000 MM

Authorized capital

USD 60.775 MM

Bond issues since 1993


CAF – development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean – has the firm commitment to strengthening institutional transparency and promoting access to information, in order to raise, to the highest level, its standards within the framework of good international practices, as well as publicize its initiatives and projects.

Organizational structure

  • Shareholders Assembly
  • Directory
  • Our team
  • Organization chart
The Shareholders' Assembly meets in an Ordinary session - once a year, within ninety days following the end of the annual fiscal year - or in an Extraordinary session, depending on the matter submitted to its consideration. The Assembly is made up of series A, B, and C shareholders.
The Assembly approves the annual report of the Board of Directors, and the duly audited financial statements and determines the destination of the profits received by CAF. Additionally, it elects the members of the Board of Directors following the rules established in the Articles of Agreement, appoints the external auditors, and hears any other matter expressly submitted to it.

The Board of Directors is made up of representatives of series A, B, and C shareholders. It establishes CAF policies, appoints the Executive President, and approves credit operations, the annual expense budget, the granting of guarantees or investments, and any other operation within CAF's objectives. The approval of certain operations is delegated to the Executive Committee or the Executive President, following the parameters established by the Board of Directors.

Get to know each of the vice presidents and managers that make up our bank.

Click on each of the areas to learn more

Where are we

We are a development bank established in 1970 and made up of 22 countries - 20 from Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal - and 13 private banks in the region.  


CAF office

Av. Eduardo Madero, N° 900, Edificio Catalinas Plaza, Buenos Aires

Phone: +54 11 4318 6400

Email: argentina@caf.com

Documents of interest

Annual Report 2024

Annual Report 2024

Format pdf | Weight 12 MB



Format pdf | Weight 1 MB

Convenio Constitutivo

Convenio Constitutivo

Format pdf | Weight 1 MB

Reglamento general

Reglamento general

Format pdf | Weight 682 KB

Políticas de gestión

Políticas de gestión

Format pdf | Weight 368 KB



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