Consolidating ourselves as the Green Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean, a region of solutions


CAF -Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean- is moving into a third stage of history. Created as the Andean Development Corporation, it was conceived as a platform to support the development of six Andean countries. However, its enormous potential prompted an expansion process, marked by its entry into the capital markets. It is currently consolidating itself as the Green Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Outstanding contributions to 2023

Our short-term consolidation strategy

The approval of the USD 7 billion equity strengthening of the bank was a great boost to our organization, to continue advancing in a lasting and transforming work, which will continue to promote the progress of the region. To achieve this, we developed a clear and structured vision for 2026, which assigns responsibilities, determines lines of action, and defines metrics that will allow us to monitor our progress on an ongoing basis

With this renewed strategy, we have a navigation chart that permeates the work of all our employees and will enable us to become the main partner for the reactivation, sustainable development and integration of the entire region. This will translate into greater well-being and quality of life for all Latin Americans and Caribbean people.

NuestroOur strategic plan is composed of three types of agendas that are the roadmap for achieving this. Each has a long-term vision that is materialized through the initiatives that comprise it. We explain them to you:


Missionary Agendas


To take advantage of the region's great potential for renewable resources, such as solar, wind, natural gas, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy, we promote investment in these renewable sources and support the development of clean and efficient technologies, which can help reduce dependence on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Latin America and the Caribbean have great biodiversity, but it is threatened by deforestation, mining, intensive agriculture, urbanization, pollution, and climate change. The loss of biodiversity can have serious consequences for food security, human healt, and social and economic well-being of local communities. CAF is committed to financing projects that promote the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and enhance ecosystems as sources of conservation and development.


CAF seeks to address the socioeconomic and environmental challenges of Latin America and the Caribbean by strengthening key capacities such as water security, urban systems, creative economies, and tourism. The aim is to promote sustainable and inclusive development of territories, increasing resilience and improving the quality of life in large and intermediate cities, and implementing solutions through a common territorial and sectoral development strategy, in which the different levels of government complement each other.


Latin America and the Caribbean face significant challenges in inequality, poverty, employment and gender gaps. The richest 10% concentrate 57% of the wealth, while the poorest 50% only access 3.5%. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated economic inequality, and women face structural inequalities in education, employment, and political participation. CAF seeks to promote social development through initiatives to improve social protection, and 21st-century skills and ensure the dignity of all people.


Latin America and the Caribbean need to invest around 5% of annual GDP in infrastructure to close the current gap in roads, bridges, ports, airports, telecommunications, and water and sanitation services. Furthermore, it is still lagging in terms of digital infrastructure compared to other regions of the world. CAF seeks to promote physical and digital regional competitiveness and connectivity of people and markets through urban, rural, and border infrastructure projects within the framework of logistics corridors.


Latin America and the Caribbean has low competitiveness in world trade due to the lack of access to financing, especially for SMEs. CAF seeks to promote the sustainable development of the entrepreneurial capital ecosystem in the region and encourage private sector participation through infrastructure funds. These initiatives aim to improve competitiveness, facilitate access to financing and position the region as an attractive destination for investment, promoting green businesses and sustainable financial markets.

Crosscutting Agendas

They concentrate those components that should permeate all the work of the organization and reflect CAF's actions in our member countries. The cross-cutting initiatives act as a hinge between what we do for our clients (missional) and our internal actions (enabling). There are 6 cross-cutting agendas.



Greener operation

We promote a greener business model, identifying environmental and climate benefits early on in operations and projects.



Strengthening of local governments

We support capacity building of regional and local governments and their public enterprises in governance, planning, management and financial processes.



Regional Integration

We seek to develop physical and digital infrastructure, trade facilitation strategies, strengthening cross-border service initiatives, tourism, cultural and creative industries, agribusiness and bio-business.



Business know-how

We coordinate actions and actors in the organization so that relevant knowledge (our own and external) is taken into account to improve the quality of our operations and increase the impact on the communities.


Inclusion, diversity and gender

We strengthen institutional capacities through a strategy of continuous training for employees, updating of regulations and creation of instruments for the application of the perspectives of inclusion of people with disabilities, ethnic-racial diversity and gender equality.


Partnerships, resource mobilization and management

We promote alliances and the mobilization of third-party resources by defining a resource mobilization taxonomy, improving coordination between the finance and business areas and attracting new sources of resources.

Enabling Agendas

These are the heart of the strategy and correspond to the internal elements that need to be strengthened to enable the effective execution of the other initiatives. In short, they are the foundation for the fulfillment of the mission and crosscutting agendas. There are 6 enabling agendas.




Financial Sustainability

We consolidated CAF's risk ratings at 'AA', through the maintenance or improvement of: credit indicators, improved diversification and average portfolio rating, growth management, promotion of the incorporation of regional and extra-regional shareholders, and maintenance of preferred creditor treatment. This gives us credibility as a multilateral.



Talent and Organizational Health

We strengthen CAF's identity and culture to reinforce the sense of belonging of our employees, strengthening the capabilities of our organization, enhancing, empowering and adapting the talent and leadership of the institution, ensuring clarity in the definition of roles and processes for mobility and professional development, and implementing recognition and incentive schemes.



Digital Transformation

We promote digitalization, agility and efficiency in CAF's operations by optimizing processes, strengthening the governance model, modernizing data management and developing new digital solutions.



Geographical Consolidation

We expanded CAF's geographic coverage by incorporating new shareholder countries, which has allowed us to have an increasingly greater reach in the region.



Transparency and Corporate Governance

We strengthen institutional transparency and access to information through the following components: information request channel; management of exception typologies for sensitive information assets; compliance with international framework indicators; and accountability plan.



Innovative Financial Instruments

We promote an offer of freely available products that includes borrower, purpose, destination of funds, term, among others, for each of these products. We also incorporate products to promote sustainable growth with global environmental objectives, on a larger scale and with greater impact, as part of our bank's green agenda.



That 40% of our approvals are green or contribute to the green agenda of Latin America and the Caribbean.


Increased capital allocated to portfolio with regional and local (subnational) partners.


Strengthen the financing of non-sovereign sector operations, with emphasis on the private sector.




Expand CAF's geographic coverage, especially in Central America and the Caribbean.





Promote a territorial approach based on sectoral strategies and complement the supply of products.


Support the development of infrastructure for the physical and functional integration of the countries of the region.


Promote operations that catalyze and mobilize more third-party resources to the region.




Double CAF's portfolio by 2030 to continue promoting impactful projects and initiatives in all our member countries.