Call for research proposals: Corruption and Prevention Policies

Convocation from January 05 to February 16, 2018

CAF -development bank of Latin America- invites all those interested to submit research proposals on corruption and instruments for its prevention

We invite all those interested to present research proposals addressing questions on corruption and the effectiveness of anticorruption instruments. Some of the specific subjects to be considered are:

  • campaign finance,
  • functioning of justice systems,
  • functioning of organizations for the prevention and control of corruption,
  • incidence, causes and effects of vote-buying,
  • role of civil society in the prevention of corruption,
  • electoral sanctioning of corruption,
  • social/cultural determinants of attitudes towards corruption,
  • psychological features associated to the integrity of public officials,
  • peer-effects in corruption and the role of corporate/institutional culture,
  • role of the media,
  • role of the private sector,
  • revolving doors and conflicts of interest,
  • anticorruption reforms and their implementation,
  • corruption costs and relationship with development indicators

This list is not exhaustive and any question that is relevant for the anticorruption agenda will be considered. Works presenting evidence for Latin America will be specially valued.

Proposals must be submitted by February 16, 2018. The authors of winning proposals will be notified by March 2, and they will have until June 29 to send a first draft of the work. Up to three winning proposals will be selected, each of which will be awarded USD 15.000.

For more information on the call and the details for the submission of proposals, please download the following file.

CAF Call for proposals on Corruption and Prevention Policies