Call for research proposals on Habitat and Urban Development

Convocation from December 10 to January 30, 2016

CAF seeks research proposals that contribute to understand the relationship between the characteristics of urban environment, companies productivity and household welfare

The committee will receive and evaluate research proposals seeking to make contributions in key areas of urban development, including:
  • Land use and public space
  • Mobility, transport and distribution of social infrastructure
  • Access to housing and basic services
Proposals should be sent to until January 30, 2016. The authors of the proposals selected for funding will be notified about the third week of February 2016, and will have until June 30 to send the first draft.
A maximum of four research proposals will be funded, and each one will receive $US 15,000. The final version of the research paper will be delivered in September 2016 and will be included in the series of CAF working papers. However, the authors are free to publish their work in academic journals. The authors will be invited to present their research at the Economic and Development Report of 2017 (RED 2017)  workshop, organized by CAF during the  III  Habitat Conference in Quito, Ecuador in October 2016.

For more information and details of the call, please download the following document.

winning proposals