COVID-19: Helping the Most Vulnerable

Convocation from April 20 to April 30, 2020

CAF - Development Bank of Latin America has joined forces with Compromiso Empresarial  magazine to identify proposals for social innovation to address some of the most pressing needs of the region’s most vulnerable populations.

While the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all of humanity, its impact will undoubtedly be much greater among the most vulnerable sectors, which do not have the networks and safety nets enjoyed by most of the population. In Latin America, these vulnerable sectors are concentrated in the outskirts of large cities. More than 86 million Latin American households live in below-standard neighborhoods that lack the most basic services. Due to their high population density, overcrowding and lack of basic health services, the region’s slums are potential centers of contagion. 

The environment in which most of its inhabitants live does not facilitate social distancing. The houses barely have two or three rooms. When schools close, children will have to stay home. With children at home, some parents will not be able to work. Children who depend on schools for meals will lose that benefit. Informal workers, who make up a significant proportion of the workforce in cities in many countries, will see their livelihoods disappear. In most of these neighborhoods there are no large distribution chains, but small shops that when closed make it difficult to distribute food and first necessity items.

In an effort to counter this situation, Business Commitment magazine has joined CAF, aiming to identify proposals for social innovation to address some of the most pressing needs of these most vulnerable populations.

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